Hello from CT


New Member
Jan 9, 2023
Reaction score
Grand Touring
I've had my grand Touring since late November. As a former Tesla Owner, I've been pleasantly surprised at the customer service (compared to Tesla!).

I've been a bit disappointed at the lack of new updates in the software. Are.new updates coming out on a more regular basis? I've had only two in the time I've owned the car. On issue that frustratesnme is the user Profile. Why can't that include my driving preference Sprint when I come in the car? Another one is in the maps function. I can't add new favorites but Work or Home? That should be an easy fix!
Welcome! As other software developers have said, software updates around the holidays usually slow down, so now that they are over, I fully expect them to ramp back up!
I believe there have been other posts on the driving preference issue and I believe it has to do with which method was used for EPA testing and the car needing to default to that mode.
I believe there have been other posts on the driving preference issue and I believe it has to do with which method was used for EPA testing and the car needing to default to that mode.
Correct; Tesla doesn't follow the rules, but Lucid does (as does every other carmaker).

As for the rest, yeah - updates I suspect will be coming soon; there is always a pause around the holidays.
I've had my grand Touring since late November. As a former Tesla Owner, I've been pleasantly surprised at the customer service (compared to Tesla!).

I've been a bit disappointed at the lack of new updates in the software. Are.new updates coming out on a more regular basis? I've had only two in the time I've owned the car. On issue that frustratesnme is the user Profile. Why can't that include my driving preference Sprint when I come in the car? Another one is in the maps function. I can't add new favorites but Work or Home? That should be an easy fix!
Where are you in CT? I spend half the year in Westport.