Headlights out of alignment?


Verified Owner
Sep 16, 2024
Reaction score
Richmond VA
2024 Lucid Touring
DE Number
Just found out that the headlights have a shadow/artifact by design. It’s quite annoying looks as if the lights have a bug in it hence the shadow, not sure I have ever owned a car that did that. … now that I got it out of my system …. Are the shadows suppose to be aligned with each other ? As you can see below it is not. Thoughts.


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Just found out that the headlights have a shadow/artifact by design. It’s quite annoying looks as if the lights have a bug in it hence the shadow, not sure I have ever owned a car that did that. … now that I got it out of my system …. Are the shadows suppose to be aligned with each other ? As you can see below it is not. Thoughts.
Test it against a wall or garage door on level land. Those spots are dim intentionally to avoid blinding oncoming drivers. You get used to them, and they actually work surprisingly well.
Those dim spots are the brightness allowed under current federal lighting standards. It's Lucids way of providing bright lights and meeting current regulations.
Just found out that the headlights have a shadow/artifact by design. It’s quite annoying looks as if the lights have a bug in it hence the shadow, not sure I have ever owned a car that did that. … now that I got it out of my system …. Are the shadows suppose to be aligned with each other ? As you can see below it is not. Thoughts.
Mine are like that.
Mine were out of alignment when I got the car; both were aimed way too far downwards towards the road. I had mobile service adjust them upwards and they have been fine since. Also, the shadows were much less noticeable afterwards. Looking at your photo, you may have a similar problem, especially with your right headlight.
The lights also level off right below the side mirrors of the car in front.

Annoying when a double lane is blocked by two slow drivers. I think the brights limit the height as well, so no effective flashing to get folks to move.

Possibly dangerous when stop lights are not working. We were on an unfamiliar highway where the power was out and the traffic lights not working. Someone nearly plowed through the side of the car (intersections become stop signs when lights are out) turning onto an unseen side road. We had not seen the traffic lights and could not see them until spotting them due to the headlights of someone in front of us.
Mine were out of alignment when I got the car; both were aimed way too far downwards towards the road. I had mobile service adjust them upwards and they have been fine since. Also, the shadows were much less noticeable afterwards. Looking at your photo, you may have a similar problem, especially with your right headlight.
This is good to know. I will reach out to the manager for our satellite location to try to get it realigned. Did they have to take the car over night to do it? HE had suggested that he may need to do that.
Those dim spots are the brightness allowed under current federal lighting standards. It's Lucids way of providing bright lights and meeting current regulations.
Seems there are better ways to do this? Would be curious what other car manufacturer uses the same methodology.