Free Earth day Charging from EA

What this means for people who already have free EA charging (Lucid/Porsche/Audi/VW) is to avoid urban charging stations on April 22. They'll be super-crowded with other EV owners saving $10 of home electricity with a free charge.
Oh yeah. Forgot Lucid came w free charging. Oops!
So yeah. Avoid EA chargers tomorrow!
So yeah. Avoid EA chargers tomorrow!
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The EA chargers near home are always full with all the brands that offer free charging. I suspect this is going to be a problem with EA chargers everywhere because people will just use the charger instead of installing the proper outlet at home. Given the EA chargers are 4 to 8 chargers per location this is going to get annoying when you want to legitimately charge for a road trip and all the locals are using them because they don't want to pay at home.
Well, It’s not really free and somewhat added into the price of the car so you can’t really blame them.
The EA chargers near home are always full with all the brands that offer free charging. I suspect this is going to be a problem with EA chargers everywhere because people will just use the charger instead of installing the proper outlet at home. Given the EA chargers are 4 to 8 chargers per location this is going to get annoying when you want to legitimately charge for a road trip and all the locals are using them because they don't want to pay at home.
Yeah. EA will need to build up more stations. I went on earth day to charge my I pace and I got the last sport. All three chargers were in use the whole time I was there (about 30 min).
Well, It’s not really free and somewhat added into the price of the car so you can’t really blame them.
And the amount of free charging is low for most brands. Once that disappears they don’t charge on those L3 chargers anymore. We charged the Leaf for 2 years free, but haven’t visited a L3 station since. Now Nissan gives a small $ credit on charging which won’t last long.
Yeah. EA will need to build up more stations. I went on earth day to charge my I pace and I got the last sport. All three chargers were in use the whole time I was there (about 30 min).
I've been planning my 1300 mile from south florida to CT next month. I've used ABRB and EA apps mostly. But, having a bit of ADHD, I've also mapped out each EA stop that I might use, and yes I have a spreadsheet. 21 in all. And have monitored each location's availability 4 times so far (many more to come) to see where I might run into trouble. So far, not one location has had 0 chargers available. There's been a couple with 1 stall but that's as close as I've seen. And the 10 charger locations seem to never have more than 1 or 2 in use. I have noticed that once a charger is unavailable (broken) it takes a while till it is fixed. I haven't seen one fixed yet in 10 days of looking.
You may want to download the Plug Share app also as a last case scenario.