First Road Trip

Well here it is! Drive to San Diego went great. We ended up leaving at 4am and it was way colder than I expected, 30-40, which hurt the range a lot! Started getting warmer when the sun came up.

Rated range: 451
Expected range: 433

Leg 1: 2.2 mi/kWh, ~260 range
Charge: max 290 kW
Leg 2: 3.3 mi/kWh, ~390 range
Average: 2.5 mi/kWh @ 80mph & 40 degrees

Driving in San Diego has been much better range. Temperature around 70 degrees and averaging high 3 to low 4 mi/kWh, often well above EPA rated range. As expected, driving in freezing temps at high speed destroyed the range but still had more range than my Model Y so can’t complain too much.
Where are the photos? I was expecting photos of the car in San Diego and at the charging stops. Am I the only one?:)
A general question to all DE owners about trip statistics on a Lucid. Can you see the entire trip on a map along with all the relevant numbers like distance, average energy used, total energy used, number of charging stops, total charge added during the trip, etc?
A general question to all DE owners about trip statistics on a Lucid. Can you see the entire trip on a map along with all the relevant numbers like

, average energy used,
total energy used,
number of charging stops,
total charge added during the trip,
Not sure
…wait, what? How?!
Lol it was crazy. Left with full charge, charge in Primm, Baker, Barstow, Victorville, and destination city. DO NOT MISS A STOP! Anxiety level 9000
Lol it was crazy. Left with full charge, charge in Primm, Baker, Barstow, Victorville, and destination city. DO NOT MISS A STOP! Anxiety level 9000
Sounds like what it would be like in my Leaf. I choose not to leave the county in it because of that!
I would love the answer to this question as well.
EVs perform better in extreme heat vs extreme cold. Since an AC is more efficient than say a resistance heater, range loss is less. If you are running AC at full blast, of course you will lose range. Now, battery life is effected at high temps as it speeds up chemical reactions, so it can damage the cell itself. In terms of RR, you’ll typically see about 80% with other factors such as speed, headwinds, wheel size, altitude change being left out of the equation. Everything effects range, so it’s best when dealing with either extreme temp swing to control what you can to extend your range.
EVs perform better in extreme heat vs extreme cold. Since an AC is more efficient than say a resistance heater, range loss is less. If you are running AC at full blast, of course you will lose range. Now, battery life is effected at high temps as it speeds up chemical reactions, so it can damage the cell itself. In terms of RR, you’ll typically see about 80% with other factors such as speed, headwinds, wheel size, altitude change being left out of the equation. Everything effects range, so it’s best when dealing with either extreme temp swing to control what you can to extend your range.
Understandable. Good thing with the Lucid is I suppose, even with range loss due to driving it inefficiently or environmental conditions, it still would probably not require an extra charging stop in most cases. It would just spend more time at a particular charging station to recoup those extra range mileage lost!
Understandable. Good thing with the Lucid is I suppose, even with range loss due to driving it inefficiently or environmental conditions, it still would probably not require an extra charging stop in most cases. It would just spend more time at a particular charging station to recoup those extra range mileage lost!
Correct, the main thing is you have a car that goes further than any other on the market. Hence, even with extreme temp swings you will be able to go even further than the competition. Not only that, you can charge faster than most any car on the market, so your time at a charging station will be less than that of the competition. A win-win, and exciting for potential owners.
Correct, the main thing is you have a car that goes further than any other on the market. Hence, even with extreme temp swings you will be able to go even further than the competition. Not only that, you can charge faster than most any car on the market, so your time at a charging station will be less than that of the competition. A win-win, and exciting for potential owners.
Has Lucid ever officially spoken on range loss in extreme temps? Or maybe battery cell degradation that you eluded to while driving in super hot conditions for folks like me in AZ?
Has Lucid ever officially spoken on range loss in extreme temps? Or maybe battery cell degradation that you eluded to while driving in super hot conditions for folks like me in AZ?
I have only seen them state that they hit all their “cold-weather targets.” I think you will need to wait until existing owners can give you real world data on their experiences. As far as cell degradation goes, there will always be normal cell degradation just due to the nature of batteries. I can’t speak on how much faster cells degrade in extreme heat, but just remember you have a pretty good warranty on the pack, so you should be covered.
This YouTube video looked at a variety of "Range Killers" to see the impact on the EV efficiency. Stuff like ski racks, bike racks with bikes, all climate controls on full blast, pulling a trailer.....

Running all Climate controls at full blast was devastating to overall efficiency. Go to the 19:21 minute mark and there is a table with the data from all his testing.

Edit - I've posted this in the general discussion too, so it is easier to find/reference.

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This YouTube video looked at a variety of "Range Killers" to see the impact on the EV efficiency. Stuff like ski racks, bike racks with bikes, all climate controls on full blast, pulling a trailer.....

Running all Climate controls at full blast was devastating to overall efficiency. Go to the 19:21 minute mark and there is a table with the data from all his testing.

Edit - I've posted this in the general discussion too, so it is easier to find/reference.

This was great. Thanks