

Active Member
Verified Owner
Jun 22, 2022
Reaction score
Honda Accord Hybrid
I received the emailed finalization request for my Pure today. I've decided after reading the posts here to spend the $9K on the DreamDrive Pro. The only question is if I want any shot at obtaining the car by December 31 I have to go with the new blue color, versus the red I prefer. I asked my SA about the odds. He said there are no promises, but if they asked me to finalize today, I have a shot at delivery by December 31. There is a one-week grace period to change finalized preferences. He said he'd call me if it definitely looked like I would not receive the car by December 31, then we could change back to red. I thought that was very reasonable.

While I'm posting, since this is Thanksgiving week, I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who post on this forum, especially the moderators. Overall, the civilized, friendly tone of discourse and the wealth of information is appreciated. This forum is plain fun to read. I never thought in my entire life I could become so wrapped up in buying a car. (My partner thinks I need a shrink! She'll be sharing this car with me.) Rich
I just talked to my advisor and was told that it will be built in December with delivery in Q1. They have said that if I were to upgrade to the Touring that it would be delivered this year.