Expectations on Mileage loss?


Verified Owner
Jul 28, 2024
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Montvale, NJ
Lucid Air Grand Touring
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New Air Grand Touring owner here, car is one month old.

It seems like every other time I plug the car in to charge it up I am losing a mile?
80% started out with 412 new.
Now 1 month later I am down to 406?

I understand that batteries degrade over time, however is the typical degradation in a month?

Any difference leaving the charge plug in when it is full (80%)?

Thanks in advance.
Most battery degradation will occur in the first couple of years. It is hard to say what is normal in the first month. I would not read too much into the miles remaining at 80% since the SOC is just and estimate with some small error. I would switch your display to percent SOC and not worry on it.
To understand what's happening it helps to know how the range estimator work. What it does is multiple the amount of available energy by an estimation of the distance it can go in a unit of energy. You are worried that the amount of energy avalible is decreasing. But most likely what is changing is the estimation of the distance you can go per unit of energy. This is based on recent trip information. So if you were going fast, or accelerating hard, or had to use the AC, or the heat, ar had a car full of propel, etc. all of that will impact the estimation. There is a reason the range estimate are often referred to as the Guess-O-Meter (GoM) in electric cars. There are so many unknown factors that impact actual range it's probably better to just ignored it.

I'm not sure on the Lucid but on most electric cars you can get an Bluetooth OBD adapter and a phone app can read much more information about the vehicle. What you are worried about is the State of health (SoH). It measures how the battery compares to when it was new.
New Air Grand Touring owner here, car is one month old.

It seems like every other time I plug the car in to charge it up I am losing a mile?
80% started out with 412 new.
Now 1 month later I am down to 406?

I understand that batteries degrade over time, however is the typical degradation in a month?

Any difference leaving the charge plug in when it is full (80%)?

Thanks in advance.
Did you recently receive the software update? If so, is it due to using more accurate range estimate based on your actual efficiency versus the EPA? Just a theory.
Did you recently receive the software update? If so, is it due to using more accurate range estimate based on your actual efficiency versus the EPA? Just a theory.
Unfortunately, while I really wish that would be true, it does not consider driving style or past experience in the mileage remaining. It is possible it is taking degradation into account, but that is unknown. The original poster had a change of approximately one percent. Perhaps the battery was a slight bit more or less charged despite indicating 80%
New Air Grand Touring owner here, car is one month old.

It seems like every other time I plug the car in to charge it up I am losing a mile?
80% started out with 412 new.
Now 1 month later I am down to 406?

I understand that batteries degrade over time, however is the typical degradation in a month?

Any difference leaving the charge plug in when it is full (80%)?

Thanks in advance.
Hey, I noticed this too in my 22 GT (Bought new in October 22). Before May of this year it would show 411 miles @ 80%. Since that time it went down to 408 @ 80%, and in the last month or so, it is at 406. I have 19,000 miles on the car now after a few road trips this summer, but in May I had about 13,000.