I am planning to drive my car from Bay Area to South Lake Tahoe was wondering how Lucid performs in snow storms especially with the low ground clearance, any risks of getting stuck in the snow ?
Not necessarily worse than any car with the same ground clearance. AWD helps (and Lucid has a good system), but mostly it's tires that matter - summer tires are unsafe, all seasons are better, winters are best.
Not necessarily worse than any car with the same ground clearance. AWD helps (and Lucid has a good system), but mostly it's tires that matter - summer tires are unsafe, all seasons are better, winters are best.
Being retired, I can hunker down during the actual storms, and I don't ski, so I've been feeling fine about my Air Touring with jjust all-seasons. I've wondered how useful the socks would be.....can anyone speak from experience on them? Thanks.
Being retired, I can hunker down during the actual storms, and I don't ski, so I've been feeling fine about my Air Touring with jjust all-seasons. I've wondered how useful the socks would be.....can anyone speak from experience on them? Thanks.
Great, just knowing they actually do help in poor conditions is good to know. I won't be heading to the mountains in winter, but there may be a day when things are more dicey than I usually bother to go out in....
Typically for R1/ R2 they don’t require AWD to put chains, so I was fine driving on the snow without the snow and my touring did pretty well not skidding at all !
Lucid smart AWD with factory 19" A/S tires is a very effective combination. I don't know about snow socks.
Know about going to Tahoe and being turned back at the mandatory chains level. Tahoe is no joke about snow.
For occasional light snow the A/S w Lucid traction control is the ticket. It's so good it's no fun at all.
Just make sure you put the regen breaking in standard mode as you get into freezing temps. I once accidentally left it in high regen and ended up going into a skid approaching a rotary on a plowed road with some sneaky ice patches (fortunately recovered traction before anything bad happened). The Lucid owners manual indicates that high regen should not be used on ice/snow.
Lucid smart AWD with factory 19" A/S tires is a very effective combination. I don't know about snow socks.
Know about going to Tahoe and being turned back at the mandatory chains level. Tahoe is no joke about snow.