Do you have a car show sheet or poster ?

It’s not final yet but we have a small car show tomorrow in Mesa AZ,
So going to go with it just waiting on some foam board and we will put this together

Also, the poster is looking much better in real pictures! Strangely, I didn't like it when it was a rendering but now I do.
Okay my first car show tomorrow this isn’t the final product just making due with what I got for now.
That's shocking despite the obvious range, charging, road tripping, comfort, and sport advantage.

Rivians don't even have kitchens anymore!
Rivian is easier to work people:
1) Big truck and most people like trucks
2) this Rivian has the camper tent feature
It’s all good Rivian owner is a good friend.

I made a little poster I can add with my show :

Amazon you can choose a picture and they frame it and print custom wall art experiment
Why bother having the Dream Edition? No one can buy it. I'd replace it with the Sapphire, personally
Is there even a graphic like that for the sapphire? This seems to be the older version, based on the pures price being with tax credit.
Many inaccuracies on there.
True but it’s an older pics and gets most the other features across or at least let’s you know there are other models of the GT. If someone makes a better pic like this please share :)