Disappointing Surreal Sound Pro

Yeah but it can go speaker blowing ear bleeding loud if you want to, it’s just at the top end of the knob as it should be.
I heard that Lucid fixed it in OTA 2.05. Now it goes to 11!
Yeah but it can go speaker blowing ear bleeding loud if you want to, it’s just at the top end of the knob as it should be. I’m biased cuz of the audio engineering background where the fader on a console only goes to +6, anything louder for more than a couple seconds is irresponsible, while most car audio is rigged where you’re hitting >100dB with the volume at 60%. So basically Lucid is going to throw everyone off because they’re doing it right, whereas everyone has been so used to the wrong way for so long. Not to knock Burmeister, they’re outstanding and I’d be happy with them but once you get the Lucid with Tidal HiFi plus and +4, 0, 0 (some do -2 on the high frequencies but I think it’s best flat) it pulls the curtain back and it’s like hearing each song for the first time again.

Exhibit A: thanks @stratus for sharing this with me. I didn’t know there was an Atmos mix of this but turn the volume up and enjoy: https://tidal.com/track/234727627
@bunnylebowski this is super helpful and very informative! Appreciate you sharing this perspective, especially given your background. I just signed up for the Tidal trial and will give it a try.