DC to FL to ATL to DC road trips

Nova _AT

Verified Owner
Aug 16, 2022
Reaction score
Lucid Air
Fellow Luciders, we are taking a road trip from DC to Savana GA, to Miami to Atlanta to DC. Any suggestions on charging and general recommendations. Thanks in advance.
Fellow Luciders, we are taking a road trip from DC to Savana GA, to Miami to Atlanta to DC. Any suggestions on charging and general recommendations. Thanks in advance.
Install other charging apps on your phone (Chargepoint, EVGo, etc) and set up accounts on them before leaving.
Look for hotels with L2 charging stations ("destination charging"). Many destination charging stations are set up for Teslas; buy an 80-amp Tesla-to-CCS adapter online.
I have found the Lucid Nav pretty accurate in identifying charging stations. I just did a 1,400 rt to Indy and used the stops set by NAV. Last Spring I did a road-trip from Central Jersey to south of Atlanta via Columbia, SC. I found good EA stations all along I-95 to I-20. I can’t speak to south of there since ai turned off towards Atlanta. The advice about signing up for other chargers and having their apps handy is good advice. I also run a trip on both PlugShare and ABRP - and now Chargeway - just to see where each suggests charging. I also try to plan any overnight near an EA station and charge-up later that night so I am ready to go the next morning. Enjoy your trip. Let us know how it goes in FL and back to Atlanta on I-75.
I have found the Lucid Nav pretty accurate in identifying charging stations. I just did a 1,400 rt to Indy and used the stops set by NAV. Last Spring I did a road-trip from Central Jersey to south of Atlanta via Columbia, SC. I found good EA stations all along I-95 to I-20. I can’t speak to south of there since ai turned off towards Atlanta. The advice about signing up for other chargers and having their apps handy is good advice. I also run a trip on both PlugShare and ABRP - and now Chargeway - just to see where each suggests charging. I also try to plan any overnight near an EA station and charge-up later that night so I am ready to go the next morning. Enjoy your trip. Let us know how it goes in FL and back to Atlanta on I-75.
Thank you, for sure I will report back
I have made multiple trips from Annapolis to Myrtle Beach in my Touring and here is some friendly advice. If you can make the first leg from DC to the Sheetz gas station in Rocky Mount, NC (EA Chargers) that would be preferred. Not crowded and you get good charging rate, plus very nice store. Emporia Va. near the NC line has slower chargers, even though they are 350kw, the area seems a little sketchy but nothing has ever developed while using that place. That one is in a Walmart parking lot. I can't speak for the rest of trip, but it is a damn shame the Tesla beat EA to the BUC-CEES service centers because they are the bomb. A must stop for food and bathrooms down 95 south (only Tesla chargers).
I have made multiple trips from Annapolis to Myrtle Beach in my Touring and here is some friendly advice. If you can make the first leg from DC to the Sheetz gas station in Rocky Mount, NC (EA Chargers) that would be preferred. Not crowded and you get good charging rate, plus very nice store. Emporia Va. near the NC line has slower chargers, even though they are 350kw, the area seems a little sketchy but nothing has ever developed while using that place. That one is in a Walmart parking lot. I can't speak for the rest of trip, but it is a damn shame the Tesla beat EA to the BUC-CEES service centers because they are the bomb. A must stop for food and bathrooms down 95 south (only Tesla chargers).
Appreciate the advice
Completed 3k miles road trip with out any hiccups. We charged car 18 times in total. PlugShare was of the biggest help. We made sure we always have another closest charger we can reach if plan A doesn’t work. But that was not needed. From the Lucid add we were tracking how many open chargers at each station and planned stop’s accordingly. From each charging station we planned next one. We left the station when we got enough juice to our next stop. There are lot of EA stations in FL. Only thing disappointing was charging speed. While talking to other car owners they seem to be happy and getting better speeds. At only one station on the way back all stations were taken so we had to go to next in Fredricksburg VA. Thank you for all your suggestions. We are ready for next road trip