Dark Mode Font Color For Secondary Info


Active Member
Verified Owner
Jun 20, 2022
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Air GT
Would it be possible to change the font color for subtext to stand out a little better? Maybe it's just my monitors (I have 4, it's slightly better on a few), but it really blends in too much in lots of places. I'm talking about the one used where the arrows are pointing, I'm not sure if subtext is the right term.
Dark Mode.webp
Same here. It's very difficult to read.
Would it be possible to change the font color for subtext to stand out a little better? Maybe it's just my monitors (I have 4, it's slightly better on a few), but it really blends in too much in lots of places. I'm talking about the one used where the arrows are pointing, I'm not sure if subtext is the right term.
View attachment 22638
I actually really like how the “less important” info isn’t that distinct (although I can see it relatively easily)! This new color scheme is really clean and aesthetically pleasing, and I love it just the way it is. However, for some people, it might be harder to see, so that has to be considered.
@Joe this is due to the new theme / upgrade. I agree it is quite low-contrast, and we should probably change it for better UX.
Thank you!
I actually really like how the “less important” info isn’t that distinct (although I can see it relatively easily)! This new color scheme is really clean and aesthetically pleasing, and I love it just the way it is. However, for some people, it might be harder to see, so that has to be considered.
Everyone loses contrast sensitivity as their eyes age. I has to stop and stare to read it, though my eyes are much better than my wife's.