Electric cars are fairly simple mechanically (relatively speaking). The biggest difference between cars with the same specs and from the same model year is likely to be the person who owns and drives the car, not that the car is flawed in some way (absent a bad battery pack). How we drive, how regularly we check our tire pressure, the wheels and tires we run and whether we do things like preheat in winter all make a much bigger difference than the operating performance between two cars. By way of example, when I drove my 2018 Tesla M3P I got very close to EPA range / efficiency. My wife got closer to 70% EPA the few times she drove it for extended periods and I lent it to a friend for a long weekend and she only managed 50% of EPA and complained about how the “range sucks” — although she did love the way it drove and obviously beat the heck out of it, LOL.
So, I could get close to 300 miles on a full charge, my wife just north of 200 and our friend? Around 150 miles.
Same car.
9 times out of 10 it’s how WE maintain, preheat (in the cold) and drive…not the car itself.