Customer Service - WTF!


New Member
Dec 26, 2024
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Air GT
I’ve had my AGT less than a month and the Nav and Media has died. I called CS and they were helpful on the phone but couldn’t fix the problems. A service email has been sent and still no live response going on 2 days now. I called to make a service appointment and it’s booked in 3 weeks. This is not what I expected out of a startup luxury brand automaker trying to get a foothold in a very competitive market! For north of $100k I would expect that Lucid would go out of their way to resolve the problem and provide a service equal to the vehicles engineering and performance. I’ve owned the other luxury brands and that is what you come to expect and receive.


Don’t treat us as suckers!

#Rawlinson, #management
I’ve had my AGT less than a month and the Nav and Media has died. I called CS and they were helpful on the phone but couldn’t fix the problems. A service email has been sent and still no live response going on 2 days now. I called to make a service appointment and it’s booked in 3 weeks. This is not what I expected out of a startup luxury brand automaker trying to get a foothold in a very competitive market! For north of $100k I would expect that Lucid would go out of their way to resolve the problem and provide a service equal to the vehicles engineering and performance. I’ve owned the other luxury brands and that is what you come to expect and receive.


Don’t treat us as suckers!

#Rawlinson, #management
Your post is a rant. Here on the forum, we help each other. If you could please give some specifics about what’s going on, people here might try to offer you some assistance. Take a few photos of what you see on your dashboard. Let us know exactly what happened.
There are people that also spent north of $100k (some a lot more) and they had problems before you did. As you acknowledge, this not a mature legacy mfg, it's a start up with finite resources, thus a service queue is to be expected.

#entitledmuch? #firstworldproblems
I’ve had my AGT less than a month and the Nav and Media has died. I called CS and they were helpful on the phone but couldn’t fix the problems. A service email has been sent and still no live response going on 2 days now. I called to make a service appointment and it’s booked in 3 weeks. This is not what I expected out of a startup luxury brand automaker trying to get a foothold in a very competitive market! For north of $100k I would expect that Lucid would go out of their way to resolve the problem and provide a service equal to the vehicles engineering and performance. I’ve owned the other luxury brands and that is what you come to expect and receive.


Don’t treat us as suckers!

#Rawlinson, #management
Every car company is having staffing issues on service. My test is if the car needs service, will they take the car in and give me a loaner until they have time to service it? Or do I have to wait until the appointment to exchange my car for a loaner.

I am not clear on the OP's facts. Is he without navigation or can he still do navigation if he uses apple car talk? Is navigation important to him? If it is, did he ask them to exchange the car now? What did Lucid say? If the problem is a minor one, waiting a few weeks seems okay; if the problem impacts on the owner's ability to operate the vehicle as intended, then providing an immediate swap should be mandated and certainly should be expected. My prior vehicles were BMWs. Whenever something happened, I would call my SA and she would say come on in and a loaner will be waiting for you. That didn't mean they started working on it right away; merely that they would take it in and put it in the repair queue.
I’ve had my AGT less than a month and the Nav and Media has died. I called CS and they were helpful on the phone but couldn’t fix the problems. A service email has been sent and still no live response going on 2 days now. I called to make a service appointment and it’s booked in 3 weeks. This is not what I expected out of a startup luxury brand automaker trying to get a foothold in a very competitive market! For north of $100k I would expect that Lucid would go out of their way to resolve the problem and provide a service equal to the vehicles engineering and performance. I’ve owned the other luxury brands and that is what you come to expect and receive.


Don’t treat us as suckers!

#Rawlinson, #management
I’m sorry for saying this, but I literally laughed when I saw the hashtags. That is not how a forum works. Did you come here to just rant, or do you want a solution?

The best way to gauge the intent of your post is to read what you wrote and then ask yourself, “What would I expect somebody to respond to this?” When I read your post, especially the ending, it seems as if you do not want a response and are simply “talking to yourself,” if that makes sense. The ending of your post does not invite any discussion or remedy. This makes your post a rant.
Every company has to have attention to detail for its products and its services throughout the entire offering. Especially in a startup environment is highly competitive as where Lucid is trying to go. I would expect better. Maybe you see this as a bit of a rant, I see it more as a prod to management to try and do better for their customers and for the future of the company. I’m a believer in what they’re doing and I think they’re making a great product but they have a long way to go. Yeah, I can find a workaround and use CarPlay for navigation and media, but that’s not the point. The point is get it right, provide efficient, quality service when it’s not that is commensurate with the value and the prestige of the car and the company. If they don’t get it right now, delivering only 7000 cars a quarter, what’s gonna happen when there is more mass adoption?
Every company has to have attention to detail for its products and its services throughout the entire offering. Especially in a startup environment is highly competitive as where Lucid is trying to go. I would expect better. Maybe you see this as a bit of a rant, I see it more as a prod to management to try and do better for their customers and for the future of the company. I’m a believer in what they’re doing and I think they’re making a great product but they have a long way to go. Yeah, I can find a workaround and use CarPlay for navigation and media, but that’s not the point. The point is get it right, provide efficient, quality service when it’s not that is commensurate with the value and the prestige of the car and the company. If they don’t get it right now, delivering only 7000 cars a quarter, what’s gonna happen when there is more mass adoption?
It sounds like you have a great deal with experience with these kinds of things. I suggest you start a competing car company, and run it according to your parameters and ideals. Let us know how that goes.
Haha! No thank you. But all companies are the same. There is nuance of course. Providing a quality product and Treating your customers well is the key to success. If we had signed up to be Beta testers, that would be a different story.
This is not what I expected out of a startup luxury brand automaker trying to get a foothold in a very competitive market! For north of $100k I would expect that Lucid would go out of their way to resolve the problem and provide a service equal to the vehicles engineering and performance. I’ve owned the other luxury brands and that is what you come to expect and receive.
You're in for a surprise.
I’ve had my AGT less than a month and the Nav and Media has died....
I've had it happen to my car as well, the first time in the 2.5 years I've owned it.
I assume you've done the infotainment reset using the steering wheel buttons? If this didn't fix it, the problem may go away on its own after a night or two asleep. Mine did.
I think this is a bug in the recent 2.5.x OTA software, along with 360 cams becoming unavailable. I'm expecting a more permanent OTA fix will come next month with 2.6.x.

The Air will have less reliable software than BMW, Mercedes, even Volvo and Polestar. It's a far better car in most other respects, though. There are tradeoffs with buying from a rapidly growing startup.
Being slower on the uptake than most, it has finally occurred to me that, to one degree of another, we are all early adopters. I just think that, as time progresses, fewer and fewer people realize that going in. The OP could most certainly have framed his post more diplomatically, as could a few of the people who posted a response. What I appreciate most about this forum are those members who try to disregard the 'noise', and offer some assistance.
Customer service has been fantastic for me. They managed to get a same-day mobile appointment for me last week, during which the tech helped pry open my frunk to get some washer fluid in the car (but not use the frunk thereafter until fixed). Then, KOP reached out to me to reschedule my latch replacement one month earlier than previously, with a two-day turnaround and loaner vehicle.

Great service.
Lucid sent a tow to my house 65 miles from the studio, loaned me a fully-loaded AGT while my car was in the shop, and fully detailed it before giving it back to me.

My service experience personally has been 5 star.
I think the key is providing the loaner right away when the car goes in for repairs. If my car is nerfed, okay - I can wait however long it takes if you give me the loaner so it isn’t a massive transportation inconvenience for me. This is a big reason why we always buy luxury cars - stuff goes wrong with all of them, but as long as you don’t make it my problem I’m good. In my opinion only, great service creates very loyal customers who will overlook the hiccups because they know they will be treated like a VIP when it happens.
Haha! No, thank you. But not all companies are the same. There is nuance, of course. Providing a quality product and Treating your customers well is the key to success. If we had signed up to be Beta testers, that would be a different story.

Have your GPS and all data services, including WiFi and cellular connection, gone down? If so, you may need a TCU reset. It is easy to do, but Lucid doesn’t recommend that customers do it. Search for TCU reset in the forum, and you will see details on how to do it yourself if you can’t wait. Of course, you assume all the risk—not me or any other forum member.
I think the key is providing the loaner right away when the car goes in for repairs. If my car is nerfed, okay - I can wait however long it takes if you give me the loaner so it isn’t a massive transportation inconvenience for me. This is a big reason why we always buy luxury cars - stuff goes wrong with all of them, but as long as you don’t make it my problem I’m good. In my opinion only, great service creates very loyal customers who will overlook the hiccups because they know they will be treated like a VIP when it happens.
+1000%. I feel exactly the same way. If I need service, give me a similar loaner and if it takes a bit longer to repair, so what. Just make it easy on me. As @Leftlane states, just don't make it my problem. Feces happens; the key is what the seller does when it happens to a particular customer.
+1000%. I feel exactly the same way. If I need service, give me a similar loaner and if it takes a bit longer to repair, so what. Just make it easy on me. As @Leftlane states, just don't make it my problem. Feces happens; the key is what the seller does when it happens to a particular customer.
Yup, if I hadn't had the loaner my experience would have been much different; the Lucid is my only car and I'm out in the woods so being carless is not an option for me.

The only downside is now I want an AGT and I just got my pure...