Continue and Persist

Good for you
Thanks? I hope that wasn’t sarcasm.

It was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life and I would go back and teach there again in a heartbeat. Sharing common interests and common ground is the only way that conflict (or any, really) gets resolved.

But 2007 seems like a lifetime ago now, given the state of the region today.
It was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life and I would go back and teach there again in a heartbeat. Sharing common interests and common ground is the only way that conflict (or any, really) gets resolved.
Very true. You have had a most interesting life!
Very true. You have had a most interesting life!
As simple as having ADHD you don’t know about for most of your life, combined with saying yes to nearly anything that won’t directly kill you. :)

I think life is about collecting stories, ideally with people you love and who love you back.

If I’ve done that, I think I can be pretty content. I’d love to leave a bigger mark on the world and help people / humanity too, but if doing that comes at the expense of my first two goals I don’t know if I’d be as content.

But I’m 37. Who knows how I’ll feel a decade from now. I am certainly a different person than I was 10 or 15 years ago, in many ways.

And now I’m oversharing. :)
And I’m overlistening! More stories the better, especially from you!
I can only dream of collecting as many stories as @Cosmo Cruz or @DeaneG or @Bobby or @joec or any of the other older-than-me-and-wiser-than-me folks on this forum.

There is wisdom in age. But there is also cynicism. I think staying optimistic helps keep us young.

Maybe. What do I know? I’m basically just a kid, especially on the inside. :)