True Misery Is Combining America’s Woefully Inadequate EV Infrastructure With A $2,000 Electric Car - The Autopian
I could almost hear the mosquitos slurping my blood as I sat stranded at a horribly slow charging station in the parking lot of the LA County Sheriff’s Department Crescenta Valley office. I’d flown too close to the sun with my $2000 Nissan Leaf — a vehicle that, due largely to poor battery...
This article pretty much sums about charging anxiety. My real world story,I was about 50 miles from home and my SOC was at 9%. I looked for the nearest charging charging station which was 10 miles away in heavy traffic. I immediately turned off any extraneous battery draw (i.e. AC, entertainment, phone charging, etc). Then my questions in my head while driving in this traffic to the exit I needed to take were around once I get there, how many working stations are there, what's the charging speed of the working stations, and can I connect and charge without any issues? I've never been nervous about owning the car before but this was the one time that my anxiety level was at all time high.
It all ended well as I got to the station with 6% SOC charge, had to wait 25 min in line, and connected and drew at 98 on a 150 station. I charged to 40% to get home so it worked out but watching SOC% drop 1% sitting in traffic waiting for that exit was nerve wracking.
TLDR: car I love, charging network/infrastructure creates anxiety