CarPlay/Bluetooth Issues


New Member
Aug 9, 2024
Hello Everyone ,
New 24 Air Pure owner here. I’ve been struggling with CarPlay and Bluetooth in my car. I thought my phone might be the issue, but even trying to connect solely via Bluetooth doesn’t help either.

CarPlay (wired and wireless): It frequently disconnects at random. I often have to turn off Bluetooth and WiFi. Most of the time, it’s wired, but I’ve also tried wireless, and nothing changes. I’ve tried three different phones: iPhone XR, iPhone 14 Pro Max, and iPhone 15 Pro Max. All of them disconnect.

Bluetooth: It pairs for car access but won’t pair for phone calls and music.

I’ve tried resetting the car’s computer and clearing the settings on my iPhone. I also tried turning off Bluetooth and WiFi on both the car and phone, but nothing worked. I’m on software version 2.2, and all iPhones are on the latest software. The iPhone 14 was running the iOS beta.

I know similar topics have been discussed, and I’ve read them, but I didn’t see any resolution for my specific issue, so I thought I’d post this one. I did call customer service to see if they could push the latest update to my car, but I haven’t seen the update screen come up for me yet.
Check @Bobby's video on CarPlay issues:

I know you said you've tried most of what he described in there, and it's silly, but run through the exact steps in that order. CarPlay is absolutely fine for me, but I had Mobile Key issues (also Bluetooth from iPhone to the car) that were mostly resolved after his exact sequence of reboots and resets, even after I'd tried a number of things myself.