Car Mats

Yes they do. But it's semi hidden. You need to select a Touring GT and not Touring as your car. Then all the frunk and trunks show up as an option. Tuxmats screwed up their drop down menus. The same Tuxmats frunk and trunk mats fit all our cars, GT, Touring,Pure. Only the second row inside floor mats are different from GT to Touring/Pure.

I have let Tuxmats CS know.

I have the full Tuxmats trunk set, love them. Wife has spilled plants, easy clean up.

How much of a PITA is it to access the sub-trunk with the trunk mat?
How much of a PITA is it to access the sub-trunk with the trunk mat?
I don't have the upper one for the trunk, but for the frunk, it makes it very annoying to get to the lower level of the frunk.