Can someone explain what looks like sparks out of the front of my car while I slept

Aww, all these people are convinced it's a LIDAR malfunction. I was hoping Lucid rolled out a special beta update to you...
we have two Mahonia bushes loaded with fruit. everything prefers the blackberries. point your lidar at the blackberries -- tell me if it works.

beautiful yellow flowers in February !
This is the correct answer

I backed it in tonight - and believe me I will be looking in the morning at our security cameras!
You won’t see it. But if you pull it up on a camera you’ll be able to; it’s outside our eyes’ visible light spectrum, but visible to most cameras.

Yup, definitely the lidar. Nothing to worry about, but maybe see if your fobs woke up the car. Might be just Lucid waking it up remotely to grab logs or who knows what.