BMW i7 Electric

The screenpalooza thing is stupid too. That’s a Faraday Future gimmick. Why do you need a screen touch pad on a door arm-rest to control the roof screen while holding your phone screen that is synchronized with your watch screen? 🤦‍♂️
I suspect that in the fullness of time BMW’s ‘power of choice’ strategy (all of their future cars are designed to accept any powertrain) will be viewed as a mistake. I can’t see that you can package like Lucid has been able to do *and* design a good looking car when you are constantly compromising to allow for an all wheel drive ICE platform (with all the weight that entails) plus a whopping great lump under the bonnet.

The new 7 Series goes to show that designing with one arm up your back, makes it very hard to do ‘elegant’ so you’re forced to do ‘monolithic’ - which isn’t pretty in my view (each to their own).
I completely disagree. The problem isn't that BMW has one arm up its back, it is that it has a designer without taste. I love everything about how my BMW handles, and the software is reliable, but the new designs are butt ugly.

Yes...there are compromises necessitated by using the common platform but with good design, they are manageable.