Been an odd day


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Verified Owner
Jun 26, 2023
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Air Sapphire
I posted earlier about my father's issues with his GT. Car is being picked up tomorrow and I will update that thread as we go. Then around 4 p.m. today, a friend came to the office because they wanted a ride in the Sapphire. For the first time ever, the door would not open/unlock. Handles would not unfold. I carry a fob and have mobile key set up on my android. No big deal, I figured the fob is dead and used the app to unlock the doors. Car would not recognize any key, so I had to enter PIN to drive, again no big deal, but odd and new. Ride was uneventful, aside from the usual shock of the car's capabilities, car behaved normally.

About an hour later, I left to go to the gym. Again needed to use app to open doors, so i disconnected and relinked my phone as mobile key. This allowed me to drive without PIN entry. However upon reaching gym, doors would not proximity lock as they always have. Locked doors with app. After gym, again no proximity doors and used app to unlock. Returned home and replaced fob battery. It still does not work at all, as if broken. Button presses etc do nothing, which is odd as I used the fob to open frunk in the morning. I then attempted to open car with app and got message "vehicle is offline" which I could not get to clear after multiple rounds of closing and opening app. Now with the fob not functional and the "vehicle offline" on the app persisting, I had no way to open the car, which luckily was charging in my garage. As a last resort, I went and got the other fob that came with the car, which I has never been used and remained in the box since I took delivery in Feb. That fob worked to unlock and lock doors with button presses, but no proximity lock unlock, with the exception of the car would unlock if I pressed on the driver's door only. After about a half an hour, the app lost the "vehicle offline" message and is functional again.

All in all, I'm not sure what to make of it. I've been lucky in that I've had ZERO issues with the fobs thus far. They have literally never failed to function for me until now. It all just seems very inconsistent. I tried a in car restart (holding brake "x" and "speech" buttons and that didn't do anything to address issues. I'll give it until the morning and see what happens. Anyone have similar issues they've experienced?
holding brake "x" and "speech"
Don’t do that….. I got my hand slapped by Lucid and schooled multiple times on why I shouldn’t have done it. Almost felt like I needed to be put in the naughty corner at the Service Center when picking the car up. 😂
Don’t do that….. I got my hand slapped by Lucid and schooled multiple times on why I shouldn’t have done it. Almost felt like I needed to be put in the naughty corner at the Service Center when picking the car up. 😂
Whoa, really? I only learned that from Lucid support! That's not good....I've used that a couple times when the UI has been a little flaky (voice commands not working, navi confused etc) and it has always worked. Did they tell you why it was a bad idea to use it?
Whoa, really? I only learned that from Lucid support! That's not good....I've used that a couple times when the UI has been a little flaky (voice commands not working, navi confused etc) and it has always worked. Did they tell you why it was a bad idea to use it?
They claim it can damage the cars components and they’d rather you do the Air logo reset on the pilot panel.

Apparently when you’re stuck in an intersection with a dead pilot panel, can’t access the air logo and can’t move the car, it’s still not a good enough reason to do it 😂
They claim it can damage the cars components and they’d rather you do the Air logo reset on the pilot panel.
Well damn that's definitely good to know. Thank you!
The reason they don’t want you to do the “nuke” reset is that it can erase logs that haven’t yet made it to Lucid’s servers. Given the car is having connectivity issues, that may very well be true in your case.

I’d call service and see what they say. They may want to send someone out with a laptop to plug into the car.
Don’t do that….. I got my hand slapped by Lucid and schooled multiple times on why I shouldn’t have done it. Almost felt like I needed to be put in the naughty corner at the Service Center when picking the car up. 😂
We've learned more since then. It doesn't damage the car, per se. Think of it like literally unplugging your computer from the wall (not a laptop with a battery, work with me here) and plugging it back in. Drawback is that if it was writing something to disk, it could get corrupted; if it was writing any logs, those might be gone, and so on. It's not a clean reboot. That's why it's a 'nuclear' reset and should only be done when strictly necessary. It also limits Lucid's ability to help you because if those logs are wiped they can't see what happened.

The logo reset is a 'clean reboot' which goes through the proper shutdown process, rather than just killing power to the computers and resetting them.

Hope that helps clarify.
We've learned more since then. It doesn't damage the car, per se. Think of it like literally unplugging your computer from the wall (not a laptop with a battery, work with me here) and plugging it back in. Drawback is that if it was writing something to disk, it could get corrupted; if it was writing any logs, those might be gone, and so on. It's not a clean reboot. That's why it's a 'nuclear' reset and should only be done when strictly necessary. It also limits Lucid's ability to help you because if those logs are wiped they can't see what happened.

The logo reset is a 'clean reboot' which goes through the proper shutdown process, rather than just killing power to the computers and resetting them.

Hope that helps clarify.
Thank you, that definitely does help and make sense. Update: let car sit a couple hours and it now works normally with second fob or mobile key. Original fob still appears to be non functional.
If you didn’t know, your fob will unlock the doors even if the battery is dead. Hold it up to the B pillar right under the camera for a moment similar to the key card.
If you didn’t know, your fob will unlock the doors even if the battery is dead. Hold it up to the B pillar right under the camera for a moment similar to the key card.
there's a video of that process on
I actually had the same exact thing happen today, proximity unlock didn't work and I had to use the app to unlock and pin to drive.....strange
If you didn’t know, your fob will unlock the doors even if the battery is dead. Hold it up to the B pillar right under the camera for a moment similar to the key card.
I did not know that. I'll give it a try with the non functional fob. Thanks
I ran into the issue where the car would not lock when the door handles were pushed. Turned off Bluetooth and Lucid app. No dice. Wife was far away in the store, so there was no interference on that end.

I scrubbed the car for a forgotten fob, but there was nothing. Gave up after walking the usual distance away with no lock. Used the app to thankfully lock the car.
It was sometime between 430 and 530pm pst
I haven't had those issues to that same extent. But, I have had unexplained "vehicle offline" messages persist for long periods when I am trying to use the app (unlock, cabin temp etc). And, my locking/unlocking issues have been well documented on this forum. I will say that although those locking/unlocking issues persist, they are less frequent these days. Maybe only once or twice a day do I have to unlock the car with the app or by pushing the door handles instead of mobile key working as it is supposed to.

Please keep us posted on what service finds out and the resolution.
I actually had the same exact thing happen today, proximity unlock didn't work and I had to use the app to unlock and pin to drive.....strange
So, this happened to me this morning.
Maybe some flowers and red wine, working out, etc...