Anyone else challenged with Apple Car Play Phone Call quality?

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New Member
Jan 29, 2024
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Lucid Air Touring
I can hear the caller or the one I called just fine, but they can't hear me - they report I am always "breaking up" and there is a time delay.
It actually starts out OK and then rapidly gets worse the longer the call gets. Anyone else having this issue?
A secondary issue, Sirius/XM often goes out "trying to reconnect due to poor signal". I know it is not the signal in area because my wife also has S/XM and she never has a problem (in the same areas as my drives).
Unfortunately yes, call quality on Apple CarPlay is an issue for me as well. Poor audio quality and lag (both especially pronounced on VoIP calls such as WhatsApp, Zoom, or Google Meet) is an everyday occurrence for me. I’ve resorted to using AirPods for important calls in the car, which is not a great workaround.

Would love to hear if anyone has been able to solve this.
Odd. My calls when on Carplay are infinitely better (and perfectly normal) than on regular bluetooth in the car (unusable).
Apple CarPlay is a huge issue for me as well. Same story - call degrades for the other party as time of call lengthens - delay, distortion, breaking up. I find myself reaching for Airpods after 1-2 minutes. There has been very little improvement but I am told that Lucid engineers are working on it. I don't get it as every rental car I have with Apple CarPlay it works flawlessly once I connect the first time.