I've been having this problem since day 1 (2025 Lucid AT - Oct 31 pickup). The app spins forever even after I manually open the car and everything is on. Soft/Hard Resets hasn't solved the problem. I've tried the open, force stop, re-open trick and it works maybe 50% of the time.
I have my car in service at the moment for a broken seat and provided all the key fob + android app delay issues as part of the service call. I'm hoping there is something wrong with the wiring in the car to get a signal. Services fix yesterday - turn on passive unlock
which I promptly disputed as a feature I don't want turned on.
Edit: I'll have to try turning off wifi when I get the car back from service.
Edit2: This behavior happens while at home or if the car is in an open parking lot with a clear view of the sky.