Android Auto Thursday

All good. I'm in no rush. View attachment 26535
This looks like a go, what type of tape?
Can you get it in colors?
The smart way to do it is with double-sided permanent foam tape. Looks cleaner.
The CarPlay icon is still there even though I've never connected an iPhone to my car 🤷‍♂️


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Lucid software is a mess. You can see the signs everywhere, not just with the lack of Android Auto. Android Auto could have been implemented many months ago if Lucid so desired.

I received an independent survey rating Lucid. I rated the company poorly because the company has ignored the Android market, and the mediocre state of Lucid vehicle software.

There have been many questionable software design decisions made by Lucid since day one, software development is slow, and company communication concerning software development sucks.

Let the buyer beware when it comes to Lucid vehicle software, especially if you own an Android phone.
I could not disagree with you more about Lucid’s current software. I find it the best interface I have used in a modern EV. Yes, not having AA must be frustrating for those who want it, but I don’t even find the need to use CarPlay because for me the Lucid phone app, Nav, etc. is more enjoyable and bug free than the CarPlay implementation.

Clearly different people will have different takes on the software and think your “buyer beware” does not st all square with the car I drive everyday.

People reading these threads should get in an Air and experience the software for themselves rather than taking ANY of our words for it!
I am wondering all the comments are coming from the owners or keyboard warriors
Happy Android Auto Thursday!!!!!!!

Just remember that “I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.” - Lao Tzu
Another week closer to AA and the stock is up 12%. Things are looking brighter? Let’s hope :)
The CarPlay icon is still there even though I've never connected an iPhone to my car 🤷‍♂️
Once AA comes, i would imagine an AA icon replaces it (depending on what's connected. i.e, CarPlay if you're an iOS user and AA if you're an Android user).
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Please stop saying things like, "all EV companies have/had this problem". It's completely irrelevant. I couldn't care any less if Tesla or Rivian vehicles have the best or worst software every developed. I have never, and probably will never, own one of those vehicles. I only care about the software currently operating my Lucid.

To deny that Lucid software as it is today doesn't have major issues is simply being willfully ignorant. To defend Lucid by saying, "well, it's better than it was" is accepting subpar development.

Yes, a small part of my decision to purchase the Lucid was based on AA being available by the end of December. Yes, updating the Iphone app prior to delivering on their promise for AA is a harsh slap in the face of Android users.

Yes, seeing my phone indicate that it sees AA out there but can't connect is exciting and frustrating in equal parts.

To be honest, fixing the damn passive locks so I don't have to stand in the rain waiting for the car to recognize I'm standing next to it is more important to me than AA right now.
Please stop saying things like, "all EV companies have/had this problem". It's completely irrelevant. I couldn't care any less if Tesla or Rivian vehicles have the best or worst software every developed. I have never, and probably will never, own one of those vehicles. I only care about the software currently operating my Lucid.

To deny that Lucid software as it is today doesn't have major issues is simply being willfully ignorant. To defend Lucid by saying, "well, it's better than it was" is accepting subpar development.

Yes, a small part of my decision to purchase the Lucid was based on AA being available by the end of December. Yes, updating the Iphone app prior to delivering on their promise for AA is a harsh slap in the face of Android users.

Yes, seeing my phone indicate that it sees AA out there but can't connect is exciting and frustrating in equal parts.

To be honest, fixing the damn passive locks so I don't have to stand in the rain waiting for the car to recognize I'm standing next to it is more important to me than AA right now.
New lucid owner here. Sorry you're frustrated and of course it's valid to feel that way. Reading your post, I'll just add that while of course we don't care what other brands do, it is still relevant as it's an indicator of the complexity and also that the software developers and the processes they use all come from similar origins and training. I'm not making excuses for them but on the other hand, no education or training teaches that if you're working on a Camry then you can have bad code and for luxury brands you can't. Yes, lucid as a brand must have high standards and processes that match (balancing cost, timeline and quality). But to say that the other brands results are irrelevant is a bit willfully ignorant as well imo, even if only a small bit so. I don't mean any offense to you, just wanted to share an observation.
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Please stop saying things like, "all EV companies have/had this problem". It's completely irrelevant. I couldn't care any less if Tesla or Rivian vehicles have the best or worst software every developed. I have never, and probably will never, own one of those vehicles. I only care about the software currently operating my Lucid.

To deny that Lucid software as it is today doesn't have major issues is simply being willfully ignorant. To defend Lucid by saying, "well, it's better than it was" is accepting subpar development.

Yes, a small part of my decision to purchase the Lucid was based on AA being available by the end of December. Yes, updating the Iphone app prior to delivering on their promise for AA is a harsh slap in the face of Android users.

Yes, seeing my phone indicate that it sees AA out there but can't connect is exciting and frustrating in equal parts.

To be honest, fixing the damn passive locks so I don't have to stand in the rain waiting for the car to recognize I'm standing next to it is more important to me than AA right now.
i have no insights into Lucid's development cycle but as someone who manages a software engineering team here's a wild theory. Lucid's AA was approved by Google and they were planning to release it with 2.6.0. Unfortunately 2.6.0 had some critical bugs which halted its further progress. Maybe ~10% of the total population got it before the rollout was stopped. Lucid was waiting for 80%+ adoption before turning on AA. If they don't wait, people without 2.6.0 would have complained about lack of AA. Once majority of Lucid owners are on 2.6.0, they would have released AA (some sort of configuration change that doesn't require additional software installs). In other words, people with 2.6.0 has AA baked in but it's hidden behind some sort of remote configuration. again, these are all possibilities. i could be way off here :)
i have no insights into Lucid's development cycle but as someone who manages a software engineering team here's a wild theory. Lucid's AA was approved by Google and they were planning to release it with 2.6.0. Unfortunately 2.6.0 had some critical bugs which halted its further progress. Maybe ~10% of the total population got it before the rollout was stopped. Lucid was waiting for 80%+ adoption before turning on AA. If they don't wait, people without 2.6.0 would have complained about lack of AA. Once majority of Lucid owners are on 2.6.0, they would have released AA (some sort of configuration change that doesn't require additional software installs). In other words, people with 2.6.0 has AA baked in but it's hidden behind some sort of remote configuration. again, these are all possibilities. i could be way off here :)
I don't think you're far off. It's a balancing act for sure. Good news is it seems like it'll be here in the not too different future. My only reservation with it is that it'll have that same square screen that carplay has. Will be interesting to see how I balance its use including integrated YouTube music vs the native apps. As of now, I sometimes use Google maps to validate the car's route selection. So, we'll see! Looking forward.
I'm curious if the Air's AA will include the passing of SOC and efficiency data from car to phone. Certain other vehicles can do this now, allowing AA to fully manage EV route planning.
I'm curious if the Air's AA will include the passing of SOC and efficiency data from car to phone. Certain other vehicles can do this now, allowing AA to fully manage EV route planning.
Doubt it. This is possible on iPhone and they didn’t implement it. It’ll be bare minimum to shut everyone up like CarPlay
Please stop saying things like, "all EV companies have/had this problem". It's completely irrelevant. I couldn't care any less if Tesla or Rivian vehicles have the best or worst software every developed. I have never, and probably will never, own one of those vehicles. I only care about the software currently operating my Lucid.
I understand it’s very easy to read that as whataboutism, but that is a misreading of what people mean when they make this argument.

People don’t mean to imply, on average, that other companies’ software having issues makes Lucid having issues okay; it just makes Lucid’s having issues unexceptional. And that is an important, if nuanced, point.

It means that Lucid isn’t alone in having this issue, which is an indication (but not proof) that the problem is non-trivial, and thus that “quick easy fixes” may not exist, given that others apparently haven’t found them.

To deny that Lucid software as it is today doesn't have major issues is simply being willfully ignorant.
Nobody denies that Lucid software has issues. Whether they are major or not is entirely up to whether and how those issues affect you individually. For example, for some people the mobile key doesn’t always work and presents a major issue. For me, it works fine, and thus is not a major issue. Definitely a bug, but whether it’s major is dependent on your experience.

Some people have major issues with Sirius. I’m sure those exist. I’ve never used and have never been interested in Sirius, so I couldn’t care less if bugs in Sirius never get fixed. Guarantee you those issues are “major” for some though.

Your experience is not the same as everyone else’s, and people here (and in general, actually) tend to forget that.

That doesn’t mean Lucid’s software doesn’t have bugs. Of course it does.

To defend Lucid by saying, "well, it's better than it was" is accepting subpar development.
No, it isn’t, and you are creating a false dilemma. It is both possible for Lucid’s software to not be perfect or where it needs to be yet, and that it has improved significantly from where it used to be.

That isn’t accepting subpar development; quite the opposite, actually. It is supporting and rewarding improved development. Recognizing improvements matters; otherwise, how could Lucid ever know if it’s on the right track?

Yes, a small part of my decision to purchase the Lucid was based on AA being available by the end of December. Yes, updating the Iphone app prior to delivering on their promise for AA is a harsh slap in the face of Android users.
I’m sorry you see it that way. I suspect it was a decision based on smartphone ownership across their customers, if it was an intentional choice at all, rather than a “harsh slap in the face.” But how you perceive it is something nobody can control, and I can absolutely understand how and why you’d perceive it that way. I don’t think that’s *correct*, but feelings are feelings and I respect that.

Yes, seeing my phone indicate that it sees AA out there but can't connect is exciting and frustrating in equal parts.

Yeah this would drive me up the wall, tbh, much more so than not having it at all haha

To be honest, fixing the damn passive locks so I don't have to stand in the rain waiting for the car to recognize I'm standing next to it is more important to me than AA right now.
I really wish I understood what the difference was here that causes this to occur for some folks. We need to have a meetup where half of us have the issue and half of us don’t, and then compare everything we can possibly find that’s different haha
regarding mobile key with android phones - my personal experience is - mobile key works a way faster if you wake up the car using app as you are heading to the car.
I understand it’s very easy to read that as whataboutism, but that is a misreading of what people mean when they make this argument.

People don’t mean to imply, on average, that other companies’ software having issues makes Lucid having issues okay; it just makes Lucid’s having issues unexceptional. And that is an important, if nuanced, point.

It means that Lucid isn’t alone in having this issue, which is an indication (but not proof) that the problem is non-trivial, and thus that “quick easy fixes” may not exist, given that others apparently haven’t found them.

Nobody denies that Lucid software has issues. Whether they are major or not is entirely up to whether and how those issues affect you individually. For example, for some people the mobile key doesn’t always work and presents a major issue. For me, it works fine, and thus is not a major issue. Definitely a bug, but whether it’s major is dependent on your experience.

Some people have major issues with Sirius. I’m sure those exist. I’ve never used and have never been interested in Sirius, so I couldn’t care less if bugs in Sirius never get fixed. Guarantee you those issues are “major” for some though.

Your experience is not the same as everyone else’s, and people here (and in general, actually) tend to forget that.

That doesn’t mean Lucid’s software doesn’t have bugs. Of course it does.

No, it isn’t, and you are creating a false dilemma. It is both possible for Lucid’s software to not be perfect or where it needs to be yet, and that it has improved significantly from where it used to be.

That isn’t accepting subpar development; quite the opposite, actually. It is supporting and rewarding improved development. Recognizing improvements matters; otherwise, how could Lucid ever know if it’s on the right track?

I’m sorry you see it that way. I suspect it was a decision based on smartphone ownership across their customers, if it was an intentional choice at all, rather than a “harsh slap in the face.” But how you perceive it is something nobody can control, and I can absolutely understand how and why you’d perceive it that way. I don’t think that’s *correct*, but feelings are feelings and I respect that.

Yeah this would drive me up the wall, tbh, much more so than not having it at all haha

I really wish I understood what the difference was here that causes this to occur for some folks. We need to have a meetup where half of us have the issue and half of us don’t, and then compare everything we can possibly find that’s different haha

FWIW... I recently had the opportunity to correspond in writing with a member of Lucid's software team, and this is how I described the mobile auto open/close problem, as I see it. Does this resonate with other's experience?

Auto open always works for me when I first approach the car in the morning, or if I return to the car after being away for an extended period.

Auto close reliably works 100% of the time. All you have to do is walk away, and it locks. Guaranteed.

The problem comes when you leave the car for a while, and then return to it. My guess is that this problem is with the car's software, and not the app's. To illustrate, I parked the car this morning and went to the barber a few hundred feet away. When I returned, the car would not auto unlock, and I had to stand there fiddling with my phone for a while before it worked. (A couple times in the past, I was forced to open the app and use the unlock button, which subsequently forced me to enter my pin code into the pilot panel in order to drive.)

My guess is that the software team does not want the car to auto unlock when you are just walking or puttering about nearby, so they designed the system to wait for some form of verification when it has only been inactive for a little while.

I would argue that the car should just be allowed to auto unlock as usual. If I'm just walking nearby, it won't unlock until I am very close, and as I walk away, that 100% reliable auto close feature will very quickly come to the rescue. It doesn't sound like much of an opportunity for a security issue.

Beyond the inconvenience factor, this problem tends to happen in situations where you have guests with you, and of course guests are potential customers. It's kind of embarrassing for the owner, having already bragged about their Lucid, to be dealing with this problem in front of them. It also probably gives these potential customers some doubt as to the car's desirability.
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