Adapter for charging lucid at tesla supercharger

What? The article specifically cites Tesla was awarded $17 million from the Biden 2021 infrastructure plan for building charging stations. I'm sure they also received more money prior to that but this is recent. And you don't think Ford and all the other manufacturers agreed to switch to NACS unless they were promised some access to the Tesla SCS, do you?
Does everyone understand the slow roll out for lucid is due to the lucid using different architecture, that many other brands.. so they ca only get 50kw , and they are just prioritizing the brands that can use full speed on the Tesla super chargers?
They are slow rolling all manufacturers. Currently, Ford and Rivian are the only outside manufacturers using the SCS network. I am sure the technical aspects of making the SCS compatible with many brands is formidable...maybe more than Tesla expected. Firing their entire Supercharger team might have had a hand in further delaying it as well 😏

While charging at 50kW seems slow to me, the point is not to use the SCS network as routine but only when you have no good alternatives on a roadtrip. At least that seems to be the concensus of the forum members that want that ability. In many areas, range anxiety is real as the EA network is not sufficient.
In many areas, range anxiety is real as the EA network is not sufficient.
That is why I do not rely solely on EA. EA has fewer than 1/2 the non-tesla DCFC available for public charging.

My go to is EA, but I make use of ChargePoint, EVGo and have apps for two or three others. If EA is inconvenient or full I select another network and usually charge much faster than 50kw.