2.6.11 Update

What's interesting is that in order for this drop to occur, this issue had to have happened somewhere to someone? Yikes!
It's unlikely the Team is testing Lucid Air door operations recently instead of Gravity, unless it was discovered on the Gravity and uses the same script.
Happily, I've never encountered random door openings. She's been stable as butter ever since I reset the Air Logo weekly for "maintenance" purposes.
..and when I mean "stable" I mean "American car stable", meaning there are some quirks from "time to time" but never anything catastrophic, just fussy.
One example is my charge door light stopped working for a day, but after some emotional consoling, it started working again later in the day.
American cars, at least GM ones, tend to "fix" themselves after a while. Could be a bit-hit. Could be a lean or rich code (ICE cars) in the O2 sensor. Could be emotional drama.
At least it's not like a German car where your seat controls don't work so your 5th cylinder no longer has spark, or an Italian car where the optical brake-thickness sensor gets carbon on it, so it bricks the car with an unspecified total-brake-failure vagueness.
Now if we can only get the car to have Grok and "Unhinged Mode".
Well she will be able to drive away if she has 15 min to wait for the update to complete. I did not have that time today.
Yeah, I mean it says what's happening on the screen, a percentage complete, and how long to finish. Not a big deal.
I updated today and went back out and there were no issues. Small fix. I think it was under 15 minutes. Some not-Lucid cars take 12 hours.

Mine showed up when I got in the car this morning. I hit the "Remind me Later" button, and installed it when I got to work. This is the first time anyone has said an update affected the car before it was installed.
I hit the tell me about this update and then it locked out the screen with the speedometer. It went blank and stayed that way until I did the update. So I presumed that it was an intentional lock out. Who knows.
I hit the tell me about this update and then it locked out the screen with the speedometer. It went blank and stayed that way until I did the update. So I presumed that it was an intentional lock out. Who knows.
I did the same thing as I was pulling out of the garage, but it did not lock me out (installed when I returned home w/o incident). Maybe because I was already in motion. Weird.
Probably typo mistake... Should they meant I'm on 2.6.1 and it would make sense as a fix on "(very rare) problems" reported after installing an updates as it happens most of the time (lol). There is noting new, just a fix, for what I understand. Because it is a safety issue, they have to make sure every car has it. My 2 cents.
It’s not a typo. 11 is higher than 2. It’s a simple as that. This is not a mathematical expression, since there is no such thing as having two decimal points in one number. First number is the major version, the second number is minor features, and the third number is bugs.
Thanks Lucid - Another Dose of Robustness!
Probably typo mistake... Should they meant I'm on 2.6.1 and it would make sense as a fix on "(very rare) problems" reported after installing an updates as it happens most of the time (lol). There is noting new, just a fix, for what I understand. Because it is a safety issue, they have to make sure every car has it. My 2 cents.
I doubt that because I was on 2.6.2 and just was updated to 2.6.11
It’s not a typo. 11 is higher than 2. It’s a simple as that. This is not a mathematical expression, since there is no such thing as having two decimal points in one number. First number is the major version, the second number is minor features, and the third number is bugs.
Ok, got it, thanks. I wonder what was those other bugs from 2 to 11 and why they didn't talk about. 🤔 Anyway they keep going in the right direction and that's what really matters. 🍻
Ok, got it, thanks. I wonder what was those other bugs from 2 to 11 and why they didn't talk about. 🤔 Anyway they keep going in the right direction and that's what really matters. 🍻
They are not other bugs, they are internal test versions. Every software company does the same thing.
I've now had two audio failures since the 2.6.11 update. I've had a few audio oddities in the past, too. Yesterday when I got in my car, the only sound produced was static and only out of one speaker. A reboot fixed it. This morning I got in and there was no audio for a minute, but then it started cutting in and out, and again only at one speaker. I'm starting to think my car has a bad amp and it's not the software doing it.
I've now had two audio failures since the 2.6.11 update. I've had a few audio oddities in the past, too. Yesterday when I got in my car, the only sound produced was static and only out of one speaker. A reboot fixed it. This morning I got in and there was no audio for a minute, but then it started cutting in and out, and again only at one speaker. I'm starting to think my car has a bad amp and it's not the software doing it.
have you contacted service?
have you contacted service?
I did when it first happened and they chalked it up to software. Just got off the phone again with them and let them know I really believe at this point it's a hardware thing, so they're going to add it to the list when I bring it in in a few weeks for two other issue it's having that are definitely hardware related.
I was hoping this fixed the issue with our car randomly unlinking from my iPhone. Guess not.
I was hoping this fixed the issue with our car randomly unlinking from my iPhone. Guess not.
My CarPlay will unlink every time I charge at home. I need to go into the devices menu and tap the CarPlay icon next to the name of my phone and it solves it.
My CarPlay will unlink every time I charge at home. I need to go into the devices menu and tap the CarPlay icon next to the name of my phone and it solves it.

I almost always charge at home, but this problem only started with the software update before last. And it doesn't happen consistently. I usually don't find out the phone has unlinked until I get an incoming call or try to place a call.

Usually all I have to do (once I stop somewhere) is go into settings and tap the phone's name on the connected devices list, and the phone quickly relinks. But yesterday the phone had disappeared from my connected devices list altogether, and I had to go through the full pairing procedure.
They are not other bugs, they are internal test versions. Every software company does the same thing.
Well, you wrote the third number was bugs... So with that new internal test version 11, they were able to check if the relevant door misbehavior in 2.6.2 was still there. After a fix of course. Is that what you mean ?
Well, you wrote the third number was bugs... So with that new internal test version 11, they were able to check if the relevant door misbehavior in 2.6.2 was still there. After a fix of course. Is that what you mean ?


Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
  1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes
  2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward compatible manner
  3. PATCH version when you make backward compatible bug fixes
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format, such as 2.0.3-beta2.

So basically, between 2.6.2 and 2.6.11 were a bunch of internal versions, either to fix some bug or just to update a dependency or literally builds that didn’t work. You don’t reuse version numbers, so that you can maintain a proper historical record; you increment them as needed, and you simply don’t release those versions to the public that should not go out.