2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.4 OTA

I have had 2.4.2 since it first came out and haven't had any issues. Now I have an update to 2.4.3. Should I do it or wait?
Was on 2.4.2. Updated to 2.4.3 without any problem installing.
App still unable to wake up.
Force closing the app and restarting the Iphone on OS 18 made no difference,
I never got the vehicle offline in the app error in 2.3.10 but did get it in 2.4.4, so I did a couple Air logo resets and then let the car deep sleep overnight and now everything is working flawlessly.
I'm also getting vehicle offline errors in the app. I did a logo reset this morning, and it cleared the problem. However, after a short drive to work the vehicle offline error reappeared. This is a problem because the vehicle has stopped auto locking when I walk away, and now I have to use the app to manually lock.
I'm also getting vehicle offline errors in the app. I did a logo reset this morning, and it cleared the problem. However, after a short drive to work the vehicle offline error reappeared. This is a problem because the vehicle has stopped auto locking when I walk away, and now I have to use the app to manually lock.
You can manually lock the vehicle by pushing the handle in after exiting.
Total suite of connectivity errors for me, as well, just now. Car offline in app, mobile key not working, no network connection in car even though it says it's connected to my network. Multiple logo resets, unlinked mobile key and relinked, relinked Bluetooth and CarPlay. At least the mobile key is working, but nothing else. I did notice a 3.7 GB download to the car this morning. I have been on 3.4.2 with no problems, and the car says its OS is up-to-date, but given the number of people having issues, I'd say there's something going on at Lucid Central.
Just got the notification for the update, but the phone app said it was updating to 2.4.3 not 2.4.4 . I guess I'll see what gets installed after 2 hours or so...
I got it last night. 24 Pure Rwd DD only.

Prior to updating, the app kept showing vehicle offline. Even as I updated through the app, it showed vehicle offline, which made me nervous as couldn't monitor the progress but the car showed a progress bar. Took 90 minutes roughly to finish.
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Been texting with CS. They had me do the profile reset and logo reset.
No change.
Conclusion: "will forward the feedback to our internal team for review."
Seems like there are some wrinkles yet Lucid continues to push out the update, so maybe those of us having problems could be the minority.
Summer 2023 Air Pure. Downloading 2.4.4 now
I have had 2.4.2 since it first came out and haven't had any issues. Now I have an update to 2.4.3. Should I do it or wait?
Based on my experience today, I would wait
Have others observed that the Lucid representatives in this forum will not answer direct simple questions? That what they do publish is vague and unclear? I am a 2+ year Lucid GT owner and I have never seen Lucid as more clear or transparent than Tesla, just that they had a superior hardware platform. Software was behind and supposed to catch up. I would rate releases prior to 2.4.x as decent. 2.4.x has been pretty much a cluster f for a lot of us. Folks that never used advanced features seem mostly OK. Some of those though also have had connectivity issues as well as install issues. Mine has been throwing error codes since 2.4.2 and lost almost every advance feature (Nav, Voice Dial, Highway Assist, smart integration). Lucid has been very slow to react as our Dallas guys seem to be overwhelmed with issues. They came out and gathered data twice. They ordered new cameras over a week ago. They intend to bring it in a over a week later for repairs.
Have others observed that the Lucid representatives in this forum will not answer direct simple questions? That what they do publish is vague and unclear? I am a 2+ year Lucid GT owner and I have never seen Lucid as more clear or transparent than Tesla, just that they had a superior hardware platform. Software was behind and supposed to catch up. I would rate releases prior to 2.4.x as decent. 2.4.x has been pretty much a cluster f for a lot of us. Folks that never used advanced features seem mostly OK. Some of those though also have had connectivity issues as well as install issues. Mine has been throwing error codes since 2.4.2 and lost almost every advance feature (Nav, Voice Dial, Highway Assist, smart integration). Lucid has been very slow to react as our Dallas guys seem to be overwhelmed with issues. They came out and gathered data twice. They ordered new cameras over a week ago. They intend to bring it in a over a week later for repairs.
We understand your point. I'm not being an apologist when I say that some of this shit takes time to figure out and the majority of the owners do not need to hear from Lucid exactly what is going on. Beating this same drum over and over and over will not speed up the process.
Hopefully, if the few posts from Lucid don't work out exactly as they hoped that people are considerate and understanding. If people are too critical I could see them more worried about trying to give updates and plans unless they can say it with 1000% assurance which is never going to happen.

Let's be glad they're trying to be more open even if not perfect and doing it in baby steps.
Hopefully, if the few posts from Lucid don't work out exactly as they hoped that people are considerate and understanding. If people are too critical I could see them more worried about trying to give updates and plans unless they can say it with 1000% assurance which is never going to happen.

Let's be glad they're trying to be more open even if not perfect and doing it in baby steps.
I agree a 100%. I appreciate transparency over perfection and incremental maturity.
I have had 2.4.2 since it first came out and haven't had any issues. Now I have an update to 2.4.3. Should I do it or wait?
I also had the 2.4.2 when it first came out I had small issues with Lucid Assist & Highway assist. This morning I had the new update 2.4.3 pop up, installed it then I had to drive north on I-95 in South Florida, where IMO you have some of the most aggressive drivers on the planet, used Highway Assist and the Lucid Nav and had no issues.
Have others observed that the Lucid representatives in this forum will not answer direct simple questions?
No. I have found the the Lucid representatives in this forum, who are here of their own free will, have been very upfront and honest whenever they can be. They cannot always be.

That what they do publish is vague and unclear?
Not unless strictly necessary. I can absolutely positively guarantee you not a single Lucid employee on this volunteer-run forum has any interest in being intentionally vague or unclear.

I am a 2+ year Lucid GT owner and I have never seen Lucid as more clear or transparent than Tesla, just that they had a superior hardware platform.
Cool. I agree. They weren’t “more clear or transparent” than Tesla, and they do have a superior hardware platform.

Software was behind and supposed to catch up. I would rate releases prior to 2.4.x as decent.
Agreed, although they added tons of features, so I’d say better than “decent.” You have to remember it’s the acceleration that matters, not the velocity. And the acceleration is constant or increasing. There are more updates, with more content, more frequently. That’s exactly what we want to see.

2.4.x has been pretty much a cluster f for a lot of us. Folks that never used advanced features seem mostly OK. Some of those though also have had connectivity issues as well as install issues. Mine has been throwing error codes since 2.4.2 and lost almost every advance feature (Nav, Voice Dial, Highway Assist, smart integration).
Nobody would argue this rollout has been perfect. But I will say: it’s clear to me that this is one of the first times they’re doing proper synthesis using all of the cameras and sensors. My guess is that’s why *when* it works (which it does for the majority of owners) it works fantastically, and much better than prior releases.

However, as a result of it using all of this hardware simultaneously, some vehicles may have underlying hardware issues that had never cropped up before simply because the hardware wasn’t fully being utilized before. That’s unfortunate, but fixable. Sometimes in software (perhaps they have to make an adjustment for a different camera angle or something), and sometimes in hardware (service replacing or repairing components).

And that’s before we discuss the fact that the Air parts came from many vendors, with varying levels of quality, and they are not all identical, especially in the early years.

A release like that is hard. It could have been rolled out better. But let’s give credit where it’s due: it’s a *massive* release, feature-wise.

Lucid has been very slow to react as our Dallas guys seem to be overwhelmed with issues. They came out and gathered data twice. They ordered new cameras over a week ago. They intend to bring it in a over a week later for repairs.
I’m certain that what you perceive as slow is simply them not yet knowing the fault. I’m in the same boat; I’m in a loaner because my LCA won’t activate, so my car is in service for potential hardware repairs.

But this is temporary. Once the hardware issues that this crops up get fixed, it should be smoother sailing from there, hopefully.
To my surprise I was greeted with 2.4.4 update available notification when I got into the car after work. Again this 2023 Pure AWD with DDP. The car was sitting all day at a parking lot not connected to wifi. The service strength is pretty good there compared to my home. The car was showing offline most of the day while still on 2.3.10. I will try to install it later tonight.