
  1. Usafvasquez

    Lidar blocked in the rain

    Does everyone still get lidar issues every time it rains? I have had my 23 lucid touring since Dec 22, and every time it rains, I still get the Lidar blocked error. Just wondering if that happens on new builds or are the older airs just stuck like this.
  2. Halodde

    Is the Lidar blocked message related to ceramic coating?? [answer: no]

    I never got the message in any kind of precipitation (except heavy snow) before today. But when I picked up my car from getting ceramic done, in the lightest rain, I'm getting the message now. Trying to figure out if these are related.
  3. U

    DDP and SSP trial on Air pure

    So i was told that if you don’t order your car with the DDP there is no software update later on and will not be able to upgrade like Tesla from standard to enhanced autopilot. However many of you have received a trial version. Does that mean that the trials were just for Touring and they all...

    use of LIDAR.

    Does anyone know when LIDAR will be implemented in DreamDrive Pro?