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  1. G

    Reasons for HA not engaging

    Sri -do you know what the speed limit is above which HA turns off and then won't restart after letting the car sleep? Borski - why does turning off curb rash assist address the issue of HA going out? thanks
  2. G

    Lane Change Assist not working

    Many thanks for the detailed reply, Borski! I was not aware of #2.
  3. G

    Lane Change Assist not working

    User error on my part. Thanks, Bobby. Now it works.
  4. G

    Lane Change Assist not working

    Hi everyone, I’m on DDP software version 2.5.0 and calibrated Lane Change Assist (LCA) when it first launched. The toggle switch for LCA is on, but my experience with it on the highway has been pretty inconsistent. When I press the turn signal—either to the first detent or all the way—LCA...
  5. G

    General view on Atmos

    I have Tidal. Taking into account I'm not an audiophile like some, why aren't we allowed to adjust the balance with atmos tracks in our car?
  6. G

    UX 2.5 OTA Update

    For non-Dolby Atmos music, I can adjust the balance. But for Dolby Atmos music in Tidal, the slider to adjust the balance is grayed out. Was the latter present prior to the 2.5 update?
  7. G

    Lucid won't unlock unless I turn on my iphone's screen

    Same iphone 16 pro ios 18.0.1 Air version 2.4.10 App version 1.53
  8. G

    Take part in our DreamDrive study

  9. G

    Faster Chip Available for Retrofitting in the Air?

    RM-S8 - many thanks for posting this (and any future ones you share). All - viewing the video in Safari is an issue. However, if you copy/paste the video links into a google browser it works.
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    Bad Accident (bye bye lucid)

    Impressive save by both you and your Lucid. Glad to hear you faired well given the severity of the impact.
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    Lucids & Lattes Northern California Meetup (Sacramento and surrounding areas)-Sunday July 14th 9:00am Moonraker Millhouse

    Unfortunately, I have to cancel at the last minute. I'm sorry I'll miss this event but look forward to seeing pictures. Have a great time to all who are attending!
  12. G

    Windshield sunshade?

    I ordered the "original". It is slightly lower in cost than "premier". According to the sales representative, the only difference between the two is aesthetics. See text comment below. Also, if you use the promotional code SPRING10, you can get an additional $10 off. "Yes, both the UVS100...
  13. G

    Windshield sunshade?

    Nice! Thanks for posting this. I’ve been waiting for them to make this.
  14. G

    Lucid wrecked in Bay Area

    Using the OP's video link, at 0.24 seconds the reporter mentions it was a Lucid.
  15. G

    Who paid to keep Sirius? Most of our 'trials' expire in a few days!

    When Sirius called me to renew at the promo rate, the representative couldn't initiate the renewal because the promo did not apply to the streaming version. He tried to sell me on a higher monthly rate. I told him I'm walking away unless they could honor the promo rate. The next day the manager...
  16. G

    Car Mats

  17. G

    Who paid to keep Sirius? Most of our 'trials' expire in a few days!

    With tax I renewed at $5.43/month x 12 months on a promotional offer and got the exact same plan that was on the trial version. At this price I thought it was worth it. If they don’t renew the promotion after another 12 months, I will happily cancel.
  18. G

    EA is Improving

    for those who travel to/from/through San Francisco…
  19. G

    FEATURE OTA Update 2.1.52

    I downloaded the update while away from home, so I haven't been able to evaluate the features. While I may not be able to use some of the stuff, I am grateful for this substantial update. I'm not a software engineer, but I can appreciate the degree of sophistication needed to "get it right"...