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  1. Michael Fisette

    Who paid to keep Sirius? Most of our 'trials' expire in a few days!

    This is a common occurrence with Sirius not working intermittently. To fix, you need to do a soft reboot. Click on utilities gear. Then, when you see the Lucid logo, press it for around 10 seconds. The screens will go black, and then come alive again.
  2. Michael Fisette

    This Technique Increased my Charging Capacity

    This week, I was telling the Seattle Lucid tech that my Air Dream was not charging to the level I expected. I tried setting charging capacity at 95%, but I was only getting around 85% (450 miles). He suggested I charge at 80%, which allows the batters to "rebalance" themselves. I charged at...
  3. Michael Fisette

    Has anyone else with an Air Dream Experienced Reduced Charging Capacity?

    I set my charge limit to 95%, which should be 494 miles of 520 capacity. Lately, I am only charging to 438 miles, and was charging to 450 just a couple of weeks ago. Outside air temp is 42 degrees. I used to be able to charge to around 490. Any other Dream owners experiencing this? Car is...
  4. Michael Fisette

    A question for those with higher mileage Lucids

    17,500 miles and still very solid
  5. Michael Fisette

    EZ Pass Placement

    The Seattle Service center just told me to put it just to the right (while seated in front passenger seat) of the rearview mirror.
  6. Michael Fisette

    New improved lane assist

    Curious if anyone has seen the new improved lane assist steering wheel icon display, to the left of their speed indicator. The most recent update said I’d need to drive with driver assist for around 1/2 hour, for the cameras to calibrate, Then, the steering wheel icon would display, indicating...
  7. Michael Fisette

    The Long-Awaited Update Has Arrived

    The radio problem is solved. Lucid asked me to stop by their Seattle service center on Wednesday, so they could run diagnostics, to figure out why I could not see any radio statins. They found a software bug, and had me back on the road, with all my local radio stations, in short order. Great...
  8. Michael Fisette

    The Long-Awaited Update Has Arrived

    I’m running 2.0.18. I don’t know if they sent me a patch, but it was a 55 minute install, and the surround camera started working. Do you have radio stations?
  9. Michael Fisette

    The Long-Awaited Update Has Arrived

    Received an update within 4 hours, which was much appreciated. Surround camera is now working again, but still no radio stations. I can only receive satellite radio. Has anyone else lost their ability to listen to local radio stations?
  10. Michael Fisette

    The Long-Awaited Update Has Arrived

    Update: Lucid told me they'd push an update to me within 24 hours. Hopefully, that gets my radio, surround camera and parking assist back.
  11. Michael Fisette

    The Long-Awaited Update Has Arrived

    Update: Update completed. Waiting for report back from service rep. I would recommend holding off on installing this update. Positive: Displays now come alive immediately. Negatives: 1) No radio stations displaying. All blanks. 2) Surround camera no longer loads...
  12. Michael Fisette

    The Long-Awaited Update Has Arrived

    The big 2-hour update, which I hope will deliver the features for which I’ve been waiting a year, has arrived and is being installed now. Looking forward to the drive to work this morning.
  13. Michael Fisette

    Question to Lucid owners; has your opinion on range anxiety changed after owning the Lucid Air?

    I learned on my first road trip to multiple remaining miles by .7 - .75, to get a true number. I understand this is the case with other EV’s also. I’ve used EA three times. The first time, EA did not connect with my Dream (Yakima, WA), so I called them and they moved me to another charger...
  14. Michael Fisette

    Customer Service

    I too would recommend working with local service rep. I’ve found mine to be extremely responsive. I too experienced long delay and no call back on Sep 30. Something is going on, because up until that date, someone always came on the phone right away, or called back promptly. I’ve already...
  15. Michael Fisette

    Lucid Power Cord Hanger

    Yes, it’s actually quite simple, but I could not initially figure it out either. Here are a couple of photos.
  16. Michael Fisette

    Display going black and/or freezing

    Yes, it happened after asking Alexa to get directions. I hope Lucid monitors this forum.
  17. Michael Fisette

    Display going black and/or freezing

    How many of my fellow Lucid owners have experienced displays going black and/or freezing? This has happened to me several times. I report it, to Lucid, but have no idea if Lucid is working to fix it. I never receive any feedback. Standard answer is to reboot the car, but that's not...
  18. Michael Fisette

    Great Service

    They offered, but we didn’t need one.
  19. Michael Fisette

    Old Meets New

    While driving by Carnation Farms in Carnation, WA today, there was a 1915 Ford Model T in front of me. We both stopped at the farm stand, and I took a photo of my 2022 Lucid Air Dream with this 1915 beauty. Here's how cards have developed over 117 years.