Search results

  1. Plg

    EV Range Calculator

    I created a new app for the iPhone that calculates the range of any EV according to efficiency and battery size. It is easy to use and available on the Apple Store free of charge. Features: EV Range Calculator for all EV cars and trucks...
  2. Plg

    Lucid wins three top awards
  3. Plg

    Who actually owns Lucid
  4. Plg

    How much it cost me for 8,520 miles

    Today I took a look back at the amount of money spent since purchasing my Lucid last April. Here it is: 8,520 miles which includes two long road trips totaling 2,600 miles. $11 for charging at a remote location that was not EA. $70 in electricity usage as calculated by my ChargePoint charger...
  5. Plg

    Using a spreadsheet to calculate real range

    When planning an upcoming trip, I created a very simple spreadsheet that only needs the of the miles per kWh that you get with your car. My overall history is 3.6 kWh on the last 7,000 miles. The problem with the Lucid trip planner is that it does its initial calculation expecting 4.1 kWh. I...
  6. Plg

    Windshield Ding and Lesson Learned

    I had an unfortunate event one week ago of a truck heading the opposite direction, kicking up a rock and putting a chip in the lower right of my windshield. It was out of the line of visibility and would have been very easy to repair with epoxy. As soon as it happened, I went to the nearest...
  7. Plg

    Wall Street Journal

    Ultralong-Range Electric Cars Are Arriving. Say Goodbye to Charging Stops
  8. Plg


    I just updated today (Wednesday 5/10) to version 2.0.66 and it fixed a connectivity bug when searching for an address in profiles.
  9. Plg

    Alien technology is here
  10. Plg

    Metal Roofs - delivery status (Pure and Touring)

    I'm interested in hearing from anyone that has a Pure to provide updates on their status - both delivered and waiting. Bear's Workshop showed over 200 sitting at the Lucid site last week. My pure has been "In Production" for over 10 days now. It's so hard to be patient at this stage.