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  1. L

    Callout to anyone in the NY area-Clean Pass

    Ran into a person from NYSERDA at a conference (Program Manager, Clean Transportation). She will put me in touch with the person responsible for 'the list'. Hopefully they will be able to add Lucid. I'll keep you posted.
  2. L

    New York Lucid Owners Club

    I was there. Left Manhasset early for an appointment my it was fun and great to meet other owners. Everyone was nice and friendly. Lucid did a good job of organizing. Now if only they would lend us Gravities so we could show our friends. ;)
  3. L

    New York Lucid Owners Club

    Idk. He asked for my key fob, got in the car while I chatted with the service rep. He then asked if he could drive it around the parking lot to test it. It has worked since then. I think they said something about a computer issue. Sorry I didn't get more info, so I could fix it if it happens...
  4. L

    New York Lucid Owners Club

    Went to my car this morning and had no signal. No Sirius, no Map etc. only AM/FM radio. Did a logo reboot which did not help. Thought it may be an ATT problem but it didn't resolve. Since I was mid-island anyway, I stopped by Plainview Service Center. They got a tech to come out and fixed...
  5. L

    Lucid maps doesn't know my home address

    I contacted them several months ago about errors in their maps. No response and nav still won't get me home.
  6. L

    New York Lucid Owners Club

    Saw an Air today parked in a shopping center in Port Washington. Always nice to see one.
  7. L

    Getting good numbers

    I only have 5k on my Pure but my average is 4.2. Probably 60/40 highway to local, but in NY Metro it is hard to go over 70, and getting to go that fast is rare. I expect the numbers to drop once I start to use the heater.
  8. L

    Con Edison Smart Charge Rewards

    The problem lies with NYSERDA who provides the list to DMV.
  9. L

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    Thanks. I thought that might be the case. I guess that is why they want over 20% to update
  10. L

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    Updated my Pure last night. Started at 220 miles remaining. Woke to 180. Is that normal?
  11. L

    New York Lucid Owners Club

    @kellen0430 ill come in my 2000 Honda so you can find me. JK. Mine is Fathom Blue. Maybe I'll even wash it so it isn't embarrassed. :)
  12. L

    The terror capability of EVs.

    I'm not worried about Artificial Intelligence. It is Artificial Stupidity that worries me. If it is even worse that Human Stupidity we are in trouble.
  13. L

    New York Lucid Owners Club

    @kellen0430 @bkn_lucid Yes. Looking forward to it.
  14. L

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    Pure here and will have to wait. I had to remind myself that if I wasn't on this group, I wouldn't know it was out and wouldn't be waiting. I would just get in the car one day and say 'wow an update, that's a surprise'.
  15. L

    New York Lucid Owners Club

    @Jester1868 I'll try to post a photo if I can figure out how to
  16. L

    New York Lucid Owners Club

    @kellen0430 I read that there is nothing that prohibits it, but couldn't find anything allowing it. I assume that if I get pulled get for a real reason (DUI etc.) it would get added to the charges, so I won't do that. Otherwise it can be picked up by the cameras just like a metal plate. As of...
  17. L

    New York Lucid Owners Club

    Put on my Front License Plate Sticker today. Hope it works Would upload a photo but I can't figure out how.
  18. L

    New York Lucid Owners Club

    Put on my Front License Plate Sticker today. Hope it works Would upload a photo but I can't figure out how.
  19. L

    Pure RWD Smooth mode

    I have never taken out of Smooth, and I don't notice any lack of power. Of course I live in NY and do not really have roads where I can go faster that 75 or 80
  20. L

    2.4.2 "Hey Lucid" Voice-to-nav destination accuracy and confirmation

    Hey Lucid is probably still using Here Maps, and that is where the problem lies. I have sent them corrections, but they haven't been made. Just waiting for AA so I can get back to Waze