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  1. sk8ndad

    FEATURE OTA Update 2.1.47

    me too
  2. sk8ndad

    Massive Tesla Recall (OTA)
  3. sk8ndad

    Consumer Reports rating of the Touring in Aug 2023 issue.

    When I had my Lucid in for service, they gave me a Model 3 to drive and I would say that in no way is it a luxury car. The fit and finish in no way compared with BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar and certainly not Lucid. The overall feeling I had in the car was cheap. A coworker of mine that just bought a...
  4. sk8ndad

    Lucid Connected Home Charging Station status updates

    One thing you might consider is a loan for your solar system that produces more power than you will use but cost you less money than you are currently paying your provider.
  5. sk8ndad

    NACS Megathread

    The key here is that you will have a choice. What I saw was that the adaptor for the Lucid will be available in 2025, so I'm not holding my breath. As more people buy electric cars, the charging networks (all of them) will improve and become more numerous. It will be interesting when the Toyota...
  6. sk8ndad

    Highway Assist(?)

    I think they may be saying to press the park icon on the center panel that function under a certain speed...
  7. sk8ndad

    Picture album of your Air next to other brand EVs

    The bay area it is now very common to be parked next to another EV, but this was a first for me. I was getting coffee at my local Starbucks and when I came back to my car, of the 4 parking spaces in that little area, there were 3 EVs and none of them were Teslas. Full disclosure in the larger...
  8. sk8ndad

    Navigation on pilot panel

    I always get it on both...
  9. sk8ndad

    Why America’s EV chargers keep breaking .... article on Politico website

    What is your SOC when you begin? On a 150, I almost always start at ~175, but I'm usually below 20% when I start and about 35 minutes to hit 80%. Nice time for a walk.
  10. sk8ndad

    Why America’s EV chargers keep breaking .... article on Politico website

    These are between 2 and 8 miles from my house :cool:
  11. sk8ndad

    Why America’s EV chargers keep breaking .... article on Politico website

    I have many choices, so I guess I'm lucky,
  12. sk8ndad

    Why America’s EV chargers keep breaking .... article on Politico website

    I have found that my charging experiences at Electrify America charges have significantly improved over the last month.
  13. sk8ndad

    EA Charging

  14. sk8ndad

    EA Charging

    I am still amazed at getting over 170 on a 150, but it is my new normal.
  15. sk8ndad

    Hunting wild Lucid Airs

    When I was charging last night in San Jose, another Red Lucid Touring joined me :)
  16. sk8ndad

    RESOLVED Lucid Air Lemon Law Help Needed in Florida/Orlando

    I would move toward asking Lucid to take the current problematic car and provide a new one. The devil will be in the details. I have done this in the past and have been very satisfied with the result.
  17. sk8ndad

    New Pure owner from Bay Area!

    Gorgeous! Congratulations!
  18. sk8ndad

    EA Charging

    I was very happy with my last charging. was getting 174 at a 150. It climbed to 174. Took 35 minutes to get to 80%.
  19. sk8ndad

    Cautionary body shop tale

    I'm confused, I think the fact that they can do your car next week is really good. The delays could happen on any car. If you buy a car where there are not a lot on the road, it should not be shocking that the parts are not already on a shelf ready to go. I have friends that have had to wait...