Search results

  1. chipcaldwell

    Advice - Only getting 55% range & Lucid hasn't fixed after 4 weeks in West Palm Service Center

    I need some advice. My Lucid was not holding a charge and I was only getting 55% range showing on the pilot. That is, when the range was showing 300 miles, I collected statistics over 2 months that I was only getting just over 150 miles. After dying on the road, Lucid towed it to the West Palm...
  2. chipcaldwell

    Lucid-EA connection failure?

    I've had the exact same experience many times between Atlanta and Lake City Florida. Tried rebooting their system, taking control of my Lucid through their app, and even using my credit card to pay, without success. I too saw several other cars charge successfully nearby. My Lucid has been towed...
  3. chipcaldwell

    EA Megathread

    Unintentionally, with Lucid on the phone for 3 hours, south of Atlanta I ran on down to zero. And then it still went for about 20 minutes while the lucid attack was trying to help me find any charging station available. No luck. So they had to tell me. I got home at 4:00 a.m.
  4. chipcaldwell

    EA Megathread

    That is also been my experience in Tennessee Georgia and florida after 5,000 miles of traveling between the three states.
  5. chipcaldwell

    EA Megathread

    That is exactly what happened to mine. After two towings and many many errors, they towed it to the West Palm Beach location where it has now been for 3 weeks.
  6. chipcaldwell

    Lucid towed to ATL service center

    The same issue with mine. It was towed twice. It is now been in the West Palm service center for over 3 weeks. They tell me it is now able to charge, but the range estimator is still 30% or more off and they can't figure out why.
  7. chipcaldwell

    Won't charge at all. Lucid towed to Service, not fixed after 10 days

    Going over 3 weeks now and no fix. They state that the car is now accepting a charge, but the mileage predictor is still over 30% off, to which I stated that they need to fix that before returning my car. Very frustrating. They did provide a Hertz loaner.
  8. chipcaldwell

    Won't charge at all. Lucid towed to Service, not fixed after 10 days

    I've had the same problem of the EA connector being stuck. EA told me to open and close my car door which fixed it both times.
  9. chipcaldwell

    Won't charge at all. Lucid towed to Service, not fixed after 10 days

    After several error messages at not only EA, but Blink, ChargePoint, EVGo, & FPL Evolution, Lucid finally towed my brand new GT to the West Palm Beach Florida service center. It has 5000 miles. The problem is that after plugging in the charger, the message "Charging" appears, but after about 30...
  10. chipcaldwell

    EA charging issues

    Quick advice. Call EA at least 150 miles BEFORE the station. Ask "For each charger how long ago was it used?" Frequently drive from Lake City FL to Atlanta. There are only 2 stations on the way. On one trip neither EA stations had ANY working chargers. Lucid had to tow me to the nearest reported...
  11. chipcaldwell

    Auto Park Feature

    Doesn't work for me
  12. chipcaldwell

    GPS not functioning

    I picked up my GT last Wednesday. The nav app fails intermittently to pinpoint my location, showing that I am several yards off the road I'm traveling. For example when I was driving north on I-75 it showed that I was in a neighborhood and kept recalculating and telling me to turn left, then...
  13. chipcaldwell

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Put me up in the West Palm hilton. Although the checkout seemed very rushed, I did get a thorough enough overview to drive the 230 mi back. Drives like a dream.
  14. chipcaldwell

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Received my GT 9.21. but rather than have it delivered in tennessee, since I was in Florida already and it was in West Palm beach, I opted to pick it up. Lucid provided a Lyft from Jacksonville &
  15. chipcaldwell

    Register in Tennessee or Florida?

    I have the option of registering in Tennessee or florida. Tennessee has a 7% sales tax while Florida has a 6%. I'm wondering if there are other considerations. I would appreciate any thoughts on this option. If it matters I ordered the car to be delivered in tennessee, which is currently...
  16. chipcaldwell

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Just received an email from my rep that I should expect delivery between September 18th and October 5. I'm not sure how accurate these forecasts are, but thought I would post the update.
  17. chipcaldwell

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Not sure of the process get my GT update included in database, but = GT, Red, Tahoe, 21" Order confirm = 3/3/22 VIN Assign = 8/25/22 Home Delivery Option in TN
  18. chipcaldwell

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    Clarify - Confirm date March 3, Red, Tahoe, 31". (Ordered November)
  19. chipcaldwell

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    March 3, 2022. Red, Tahoe, 21". No VIN yet
  20. chipcaldwell

    Car Washing...what are your tips and tricks

    Ok. I guess I'm the laziest in the bunch. I'm surprised no one mentioned a car wash. Am I to assume they will harm?