Cool website on Auto Interfaces


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Apr 11, 2022
San Diego
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Cool site.... Unfortunately, Lucid is not included, but most of the major manufacturers are. You can see how different manufacturers have handled different parts of the interface. The website is really cool, but it also makes me sad to see how far behind the Lucid Air interface is.
Very true Bobby ! I love how Lucid drives , love the interior/ exterior but the software interface is way behind . Judging from how slow the updates of new features come, it’s going to take some serious effort for lucid to catch up if possible.
I suspect all efforts are going towards the Gravity right now , and that is going to place our cars further and further behind.
Your own survey of what owners wish list is proves my point.
Thanks for pointing that site out
That is a great website, but @Bthegreek i don’t see how that website means Lucid software and interface are bad? I love Lucid’s easy to use interface especially after having driven Hyundai/Kia/Tesla/Volvo EVs. Volvo is at least intuitive, but hard to use while driving due to the smalller icons/fonts. If we’re talking actual software features, yes Tesla is the best…because they had a head start on EV software by years.
If anyone is willing to spend the time (I'm not), that site has a contact submission form, where you can "Submit an Interface":
Not trying to stir up much but genuinely a curious question:
When I got my air late last year, my opinions were very strong towards the lack of focus around software and I got absolutely flamed here. Many of my discussions went south quickly and I started feeling like maybe it was a me problem. Now a days that seems to be the general consensus. What changed so many opinions?
Not trying to stir up much but genuinely a curious question:
When I got my air late last year, my opinions were very strong towards the lack of focus around software and I got absolutely flamed here. Many of my discussions went south quickly and I started feeling like maybe it was a me problem. Now a days that seems to be the general consensus. What changed so many opinions?
Some people on here have been vocal about the software and always fair from the start (@Bobby being one example with an entire website dedicated to bugs). On the other hand, there are people perfectly satisfied with the current software. As always, it is a matter of what suits your needs, although the people satisfied are generally more vocal. Now THAT is what I want to get to the root of... why? To "fit in" with the rest of the forum members, etc? Not accusing ANYBODY of this, for the record; I'm just offering possible reasons.
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Coming from an Audi MMI I can say Lucid does have several things to work on , but it isn’t as far off as it appears at least compared to Audi.
Not trying to stir up much but genuinely a curious question:
When I got my air late last year, my opinions were very strong towards the lack of focus around software and I got absolutely flamed here. Many of my discussions went south quickly and I started feeling like maybe it was a me problem. Now a days that seems to be the general consensus. What changed so many opinions?
I don’t think opinions have changed; the difference is a matter of nuance.

Nobody, certainly not me, has ever claimed the Lucid software was perfect. Far from it. But it’s also not horrible.

That’s all. It needs improvement, but the implication from many is that it is starting from “awful” rather than “just fine,” which is the difference, I think.
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...When I got my air late last year, my opinions were very strong towards the lack of focus around software and I got absolutely flamed here. ....Now a days that seems to be the general consensus. What changed so many opinions?
I think part of it may be that ~18 months ago the Dream owners lived through a complete rewrite of major software functions, greatly improving what was a complete disaster. So progress appeared good to these owners and a forward path could be seen.

In the 12+ months since then, added features and UX improvements have seemed very slow in coming.

Perhaps this is because most of the software team is busy rewriting the car's foundational code again, this time including a big change to the UI, and they must have it running smoothly by the time Gravity ships. I don't know. But it's currently somewhat disappointing from my perspective. Still enjoying the car though.
I think part of it may be that ~18 months ago the Dream owners lived through a complete rewrite of major software functions, greatly improving what was a complete disaster. So progress appeared good to these owners and a forward path could be seen.

In the 12+ months since then, added features and UX improvements have seemed very slow in coming.

Perhaps this is because most of the software team is busy rewriting the car's foundational code again, this time including a big change to the UI, and they must have it running smoothly by the time Gravity ships. I don't know. But it's currently somewhat disappointing from my perspective. Still enjoying the car though.
That’s true. Timing / velocity matters to perception a lot.
For me, it was always the stability of the software. Now it's great. A car just needs to do car stuff and the Lucid does that with a nicer looking interface than any other car.
Some people on here have been vocal about the software and always fair from the start (@Bobby being one example with an entire website dedicated to bugs). On the other hand, there are people perfectly satisfied with the current software. As always, it is a matter of what suits your needs, although the people satisfied are generally more vocal. Now THAT is what I want to get to the root of... why? To "fit in" with the rest of the forum members, etc? Not accusing ANYBODY of this, for the record; I'm just offering possible reasons.
Funny, I always thought the opposite - unsatisfied customers were more likely to share their negative experience than customers without complaints. I did find this article which seems to imply, that with social media, you are correct @xponents
Funny, I always thought the opposite - unsatisfied customers were more likely to share their negative experience than customers without complaints. I did find this article which seems to imply, that with social media, you are correct @xponents
This forum does not agree with that statistic from 2019.

It is overwhelmingly more negative (I don’t have a stat, but my gut feel is something like 70/30) - we try very hard to keep it from getting to be overwhelming in either a negative or positive direction.

It’s hard, lol
This forum does not agree with that statistic from 2019.

It is overwhelmingly more negative (I don’t have a stat, but my gut feel is something like 70/30) - we try very hard to keep it from getting to be overwhelming in either a negative or positive direction.

It’s hard, lol
This forum is much more positive than the "other" Lucid forum. Just about everyone on that one was whining about something. You and the other mods do a great job.
Not trying to stir up much but genuinely a curious question:
When I got my air late last year, my opinions were very strong towards the lack of focus around software and I got absolutely flamed here. Many of my discussions went south quickly and I started feeling like maybe it was a me problem. Now a days that seems to be the general consensus. What changed so many opinions?
I think there are actually three factors to this.

1. What @borski said. If you read posts from folks like @Bobby and me carefully, we are always quick to point out the software is certainly not perfect. We just strongly disagree when folks claim it’s “awful” or “terrible.” The distinction matters.

2. When people generally compare software, they can be talking about three different things. There are features. There is design and experience. And then there are bugs.

Clearly, Lucid does not win any battles when it comes to feature set. They are way too young and are still catching up on technical debt due to poor early decisions. So when people say “I wish it had this or that feature” I often have nothing to add. It’s usually a fair point.

This is also why I hate statements like “Lucid is behind on software.” It’s vague and meaningless. Behind how? Behind on features? Sure. Behind on bugs? I’d say they are about average there. They used to be much worse. (See poor decisions above.)

But behind in experience and design? I’d argue they are doing better here than most. I know folks disagree with me, but I actuallly think Tesla is good on features, slightly ahead on bugs, and just not good at all on experience. Since experience matters to me far more than a laundry list of features, statements like “Lucid is behind in software” strike me as quite inaccurate.

3. And this is the only point I will direct towards you in particular. We know you a bit better now. You’ve been here long enough, driven the car enough, and made enough intelligent arguments to have “earned” your opinions. I still don’t always agree, but I’m going to cut you more space because you’ve proven you know what you are talking about and the sentiment is coming from the right place.

I’ve used the metaphor before, but if you walk into a random Philly sports bar for the first time and yell “The Eagles suck!” You’re going to go home with a few black eyes and cracked ribs. If, however, you frequent that bar for ten years, and you quietly say to the guy next to you “Man, we really blew too many opportunities and fell apart in the second half of the season” you’ll probably get at least a nod of agreement.

This is just how humans operate.

So no. We haven’t changed. Our opinions haven’t changed. Just our general disposition towards each other has evolved. For the better.
I’ve used the metaphor before, but if you walk into a random Philly sports bar for the first time and yell “The Eagles suck!” You’re going to go home with a few black eyes and cracked ribs. If, however, you frequent that bar for ten years, and you quietly say to the guy next to you “Man, we really blew too many opportunities and fell apart in the second half of the season” you’ll probably get at least a nod of agreement.
Speaking as a lifelong Eagles fan and native Philadelphian, if you walked into a random Philly sports bar for the first time and yelled "The Eagles suck!," the patrons' reaction would likely depend on how the Eagles were doing that particular day ....
What differentiate car/drivers enthusiasts, vs software enthusiasts?
Enjoying the car, vs bitching about it.
What differentiate car/drivers enthusiasts, vs software enthusiasts?
Enjoying the car, vs bitching about it.
Or, if you’re both, you enjoy the car and work around any lack of software by using the reversed API and/or Home Assistant to solve your problems. :)
Or, if you’re both, you enjoy the car and work around any lack of software by using the reversed API and/or Home Assistant to solve your problems. :)

A serious question though, don't the API/HA only add "aftermarket" features and not native features? Therefore, is there really much MAJOR functions you can access using it but not natively? (i know you can do things like turning all lights off, etc, but is there any feature ADDED?)
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