I've been keeping tabs on Lucid for over 2 years now, and I have a couple of thoughts that I think will bode well for us as current and future owners. First and foremost is the development of the motor. I think Lucid has set the benchmark for performance in that arena. More importantly, hardware patents are much more defendable in terms of patent infringement and enforcement. Second, Lucid (as Atieva) has a wealth of experience in battery design and performance based on their participation in Formula E. Any driving that we do pales in comparison to what Formula drivers put their cars through, so I'm both comfortable and confident that battery performance is a strength with Lucid. I don't think even Tesla has that type of experience under grueling conditions. That's speaking to the high-voltage (power unit) side. I've not done any "research" into the control voltage side, but I suspect that's why we're here for as beta testers. Third, I expect the software to improve in quantum leaps. Why? I suspect Lucid is investing resources to reverse engineer the software in their competitors' vehicles. Lane centering? I'll bet they are looking at the best versions out there and adapting that to the Lucid platform. It's no surprise to me that features like led headlights, adaptive cruise control, lane departure alert, intelligent high beams, cross traffic alerts, blind spot monitor, all became widespread in very short order. IMO, software patent infringements are tougher to enforce and defend, but that's a pure guess on my part. Any legal eagles out there can chime in.
That said, I think the 12V battery issue is what we will be discussing for a while, but I hope I'm dead wrong on that. Just my two or three cents worth.