Federal NEVI EV charger program cancelled

The states will sue and win; this would have to be changed by congress, as it is a bill, and FHWA or Trump cannot issue a memo or EO, respectively, to change that.

Of course, the many states that sue and eventually win will take quite some time, and until then it’s just going to be complete havoc and insanity, which is the actual goal.

It’s the same pattern with all 65,000 EOs or whatever it’s been at this point; throw all the spaghetti at the wall, see what sticks, and blame anyone but the administration for any problems that occur, and those that end up being deemed illegal or unlawful will simply end up being forgotten about, and the others will stand.

A DDOS of the legal system.
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The states will sue and win; this would have to be changed by congress, as it is a bill, and FHWA or Trump cannot issue a memo or EO, respectively, to change that.

Of course, the many states that sue and eventually win will take quite some time, and until then it’s just going to be complete havoc and insanity, which is the actual goal.

It’s the same pattern with all 65,000 EOs or whatever it’s been at this point; throw all the spaghetti at the wall, see what sticks, and blame anyone but the administration for any problems that occur, and those that end up being deemed illegal or unlawful will simply end up being forgotten about, and the others will stand.

A DDOS of the legal system.
They don't have a good leg to stand on, Years of no traction. They should pull the money back and give it to people that can actually act on it....I hate to say it....but.....like tesla. or *grinds teeth* EA or the Ionity / other car brands joint ventures. The states suck.
They don't have a good leg to stand on, Years of no traction. They should pull the money back and give it to people that can actually act on it....I hate to say it....but.....like tesla. or *grinds teeth* EA or the Ionity / other car brands joint ventures. The states suck.
Whether they should or shouldn’t isn’t really the issue; it’s that Congress has to make that choice, not the executive branch.
Totally agree. This was so slow going, I am glad it is canceled and hope it stands. If they have to do it, then give it to someone that can roll it out faster and with a far greater number of chargers per charging area too.
I don't understand. You agree that it should be cancelled but want it rolled out better? Which is it?
I would seem that even if Trump can’t do this legally and ultimately looses in the courts it would still slow down the process. Some states in the process of joining the program might not.

Either way he wins. What a shame.
When I took delivery of my Pure in Scottsdale (11/23), there were two 'coming soon' EA locations nearby. Fifteen months later, would you care to guess their status? EA. AA. Any day? Who can say?
On Long Island there’s been very little EA additions or upgrades, despite promises, for well over a year.
When I took delivery of my Pure in Scottsdale (11/23), there were two 'coming soon' EA locations nearby. Fifteen months later, would you care to guess their status? EA. AA. Any day? Who can say?
I don't have to guess. I live there also. EA Chargers at the Fry's at 32st and Bell; Arizona Mills mall; By the shops at Wild Horse Pass. Hasn't changed in a couple of years.
Whether they should or shouldn’t isn’t really the issue; it’s that Congress has to make that choice, not the executive branch.
The problem with that theory is that the Infrastructure bill gives the executive branch the power to create funding guidelines and the obligation to approve state plans. Since congress authorized the NEVI funding, the executive branch cannot unreasonably hold up the funding. However, it certainly can change the guidelines and review the approval of the state plans. I am not a lawyer so it will be interesting to see how it plays out in the courts.
On Long Island there’s been very little EA additions or upgrades, despite promises, for well over a year.
I wonder if behind the scenes EA is scaling back. Conserve money, take their paychecks before they announce bankruptcy or something. They’ve becomes very slow
When I took delivery of my Pure in Scottsdale (11/23), there were two 'coming soon' EA locations nearby. Fifteen months later, would you care to guess their status? EA. AA. Any day? Who can say?
I think the majority of the bottleneck is in permitting and even though we constantly hear "we're speeding up the permitting process" things still get stuck and drags the process out. In addition, if power needs to be upgraded in the area then they're beholden to the power companies schedule. Look at Tesla even, a company who seems to have mastered the deployment of Superchargers quickly. They announced the V4 cabinet last year and not one has been installed, they're in permitting. So even sites that have V4 chargers and are permitted it seems to swap the cabinet out its got to go through a whole process. Government efficiency at its finest.

Regardless of the slow or nonexistent rollouts, as others have mentioned, Trump cannot simply cancel everything through Executive Orders. You can see that some of these actions are already being challenged in the courts, and it is likely that this one will be as well.
I don't have to guess. I live there also. EA Chargers at the Fry's at 32st and Bell; Arizona Mills mall; By the shops at Wild Horse Pass. Hasn't changed in a couple of years.
You probably know, but there are also four stations by the Fry's at Grayhawk. Only 150s but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference.
since this initiative was began a couple of years ago with I believe a $60 billion allocation of funding a total of FOUR fast charging units have been installed and operational. this is a prime example of government at work. if you want to rid the desert of sand create a government program to enhance sand in the desert.
since this initiative was began a couple of years ago with I believe a $60 billion allocation of funding a total of FOUR fast charging units have been installed and operational...
That's $5 billion, not 60. Most of the funds already allocated to states have only begun to be awarded, late last year, to charging installation projects. Competitive bids were solicited, evaluated, funds awarded. It takes time and was well underway. Sometimes multiple years just to get a connection to the power grid authorized and built.
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