Software Improvements and Features Suggestions


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Verified Owner
Apr 9, 2024
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San Diego, CA
Pure AWD, Model Y AWD
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We’re lucky to have official Lucid presence here in the forums, directly listening to our feedback.

I have five software improvement suggestions, and I’m happy to elaborate on any of them if the below isn’t clear enough.

1- Speed limit: this feature temporarily adds a limit on the max speed the vehicle can reach, whether it’s manually set or automated based on the readings of traffic signs which is already integrated into the software (maybe add an option of relative/absolute offset to the max speed if it’s automated). I’ve seen this feature in some European cars, and it’s actually very useful, especially in a car so comfortable on the highway like our Lucid Air, that we don’t feel we’re going as fast as we actually do, and tend to realize we’re doing 90 mph on a 65 mph because it’s on smooth mode and we didn’t pay attention. Similar to ACC, the set-point of the speed limit can be adjusted easily using the controls on the steering wheel, or turned off to overtake another vehicle for example. Some of us still enjoy manually driving our vehicles and don’t completely rely on ACC/HA, and a speed limiter can help in avoiding unintentionally going above the speed limit (or 10 miles / 10% above that).

2- Auto reduction of music volume when opening the vehicle door: this is self explanatory. I think it’s respectful to others in public parking lots or our neighbors when my other EV does that (without naming names lol), I never thought of this feature until I experienced it, and I find myself trying to manually do it in my Lucid before opening my door.

3- Turn off the vehicle and climate control, and disconnect devices if all passengers have left the vehicle, based on the sensors in the seats. I sometimes remain in my garage after leaving my vehicle but it’s annoying when I discover that it’s still connected to my Lucid with all my audio being transferred to the sound system of the Lucid, while no one is still there, but the close proximity of the phone/key fob makes it think I’m still using the vehicle while I’m not. And vice versa, keep the vehicle and climate control turned on if there are passengers present inside the vehicle, without needing to turn on the (keep mode) in climate control. I think this only happens if someone is present in the front seats but not the rear seats (correct me if I’m wrong).

4- Display drive modes and regen settings in the center cockpit panel: add two small icons or text indicating smooth/swift/sprint drive mode and low/standard/high regen setting. To make it easy to read with a quick glance, maybe add a simple color along with the icon/text, green for smooth, yellow for swift and red for sprint, and something similar for regen braking setting. Looking downwards at the pilot screen to check which drive mode is on, and needing to tap on the existing driving mode to check the regen setting isn’t convenient and not in the line-of-sight of the driver. It’s safer and easier to read for the driver if it was available in the center cockpit panel.

5- Wake up the vehicle when pressing the manual release button on the trunk, similar to when pushing any of the door handles. This has been an issue for me, when approaching the vehicle from the back where it does automatically wake up, and I have stuff with me to put in the trunk, but pressing the manual release button doesn’t wake up the car, and I’m forced to go push one of the door handles to unlock it first. Minor inconvenience but it’d be great if it’s possible to implement it.
Drive mode is already on the left of the cockpit panel and the car does wake if you press the manual trunk button (at least mine does)
We’re lucky to have official Lucid presence here in the forums, directly listening to our feedback.

I have five software improvement suggestions, and I’m happy to elaborate on any of them if the below isn’t clear enough.

1- Speed limit: this feature temporarily adds a limit on the max speed the vehicle can reach, whether it’s manually set or automated based on the readings of traffic signs which is already integrated into the software (maybe add an option of relative/absolute offset to the max speed if it’s automated). I’ve seen this feature in some European cars, and it’s actually very useful, especially in a car so comfortable on the highway like our Lucid Air, that we don’t feel we’re going as fast as we actually do, and tend to realize we’re doing 90 mph on a 65 mph because it’s on smooth mode and we didn’t pay attention. Similar to ACC, the set-point of the speed limit can be adjusted easily using the controls on the steering wheel, or turned off to overtake another vehicle for example. Some of us still enjoy manually driving our vehicles and don’t completely rely on ACC/HA, and a speed limiter can help in avoiding unintentionally going above the speed limit (or 10 miles / 10% above that).

2- Auto reduction of music volume when opening the vehicle door: this is self explanatory. I think it’s respectful to others in public parking lots or our neighbors when my other EV does that (without naming names lol), I never thought of this feature until I experienced it, and I find myself trying to manually do it in my Lucid before opening my door.

3- Turn off the vehicle and climate control, and disconnect devices if all passengers have left the vehicle, based on the sensors in the seats. I sometimes remain in my garage after leaving my vehicle but it’s annoying when I discover that it’s still connected to my Lucid with all my audio being transferred to the sound system of the Lucid, while no one is still there, but the close proximity of the phone/key fob makes it think I’m still using the vehicle while I’m not. And vice versa, keep the vehicle and climate control turned on if there are passengers present inside the vehicle, without needing to turn on the (keep mode) in climate control. I think this only happens if someone is present in the front seats but not the rear seats (correct me if I’m wrong).

4- Display drive modes and regen settings in the center cockpit panel: add two small icons or text indicating smooth/swift/sprint drive mode and low/standard/high regen setting. To make it easy to read with a quick glance, maybe add a simple color along with the icon/text, green for smooth, yellow for swift and red for sprint, and something similar for regen braking setting. Looking downwards at the pilot screen to check which drive mode is on, and needing to tap on the existing driving mode to check the regen setting isn’t convenient and not in the line-of-sight of the driver. It’s safer and easier to read for the driver if it was available in the center cockpit panel.

5- Wake up the vehicle when pressing the manual release button on the trunk, similar to when pushing any of the door handles. This has been an issue for me, when approaching the vehicle from the back where it does automatically wake up, and I have stuff with me to put in the trunk, but pressing the manual release button doesn’t wake up the car, and I’m forced to go push one of the door handles to unlock it first. Minor inconvenience but it’d be great if it’s possible to implement it.
#5 would be great. It tends not to see you if you approach from the rear. I'm often walking up to the side, letting it recognize me, and then going back to the trunk to put things in.
On #2, I've gotten to where if I'm not on AA with the Carlinkit, I press the right button on the steering wheel to turn off the music as I'm getting out of the car. It's really easy since your hand is on the wheel anyway.
Drive mode is already on the left of the cockpit panel and the car does wake if you press the manual trunk button (at least mine does)
Now that you mentioned it, I just realized the drive mode has been there all the time, my bad 😅
Maybe it should have more emphasis than just the subtle yellow text, I’m not a UI expert, but it’s very easy to miss the text and not notice it. The slider in the pilot screen is nice since it gives feedback based on the graphics and the position of the selector, maybe imitate that in the center cockpit.

For waking up the vehicle, in my experience, with my vehicle and all the loaners I drove, the trunk manual release button doesn’t wake up the car, unless I move near the doors to auto-wake it up or press the handles to manually do so.
#5 would be great. It tends not to see you if you approach from the rear. I'm often walking up to the side, letting it recognize me, and then going back to the trunk to put things in.
On #2, I've gotten to where if I'm not on AA with the Carlinkit, I press the right button on the steering wheel to turn off the music as I'm getting out of the car. It's really easy since your hand is on the wheel anyway.
Exactly my experience with #5.

I don’t know if you drove a Tesla before, but it automatically reduces the volume the moment a door is opened, it’s a subtle feature and maybe some won’t even notice it because it makes sense, but I find it very useful and respectful to others outside the vehicle.
Yes on #5.

Make USB music shuttle play more than 5 songs.
Exactly my experience with #5.

I don’t know if you drove a Tesla before, but it automatically reduces the volume the moment a door is opened, it’s a subtle feature and maybe some won’t even notice it because it makes sense, but I find it very useful and respectful to others outside the vehicle.
I haven't driven a Tesla. This is my first full EV. Which is probably why some of the more techie things missing from the Lucid don't bother me as much as they do other people. I've never owned a car with a dashcam or sentry mode or Homelink, or one that unlocked as you approached it.
I haven't driven a Tesla. This is my first full EV. Which is probably why some of the more techie things missing from the Lucid don't bother me as much as they do other people. I've never owned a car with a dashcam or sentry mode or Homelink, or one that unlocked as you approached it.
I get the feeling a lot of people come from older legacy automakers so Lucid seems super modern and high tech and awesome, and yea I get it. If your last car was an old jaguar, then sure the Lucid tech features seem great.

But it’s a real bummer to me that the software is such a huge step behind Tesla, Rivian, etc…when things like the automatic unlocking doesn’t work half the time and I have to stand outside the car waving my phone around. Or profile switching taking half an hour. The homelink button getting lost in reverse, it took them 2 years to fix that but I guess they finally did lol. But to me it really sours what’s actually a pretty solid product.
One feature I'd like is someway to define shortcuts or favorites. Both our Audi and former Tesla allowed a row of user defined icons (e.g. Music Source, Tire pressure, Specific app, Steering wheel heater, etc). Neither were perfect implementations (and differed in what you could define), but being able to quickly press a button that's always visible was more convenient/safer than trying to see, say tire pressure, by hunting through menus. I know you can use voice control for some things, but it would be nice to have things you do often "one touch" away.
I get the feeling a lot of people come from older legacy automakers so Lucid seems super modern and high tech and awesome, and yea I get it. If your last car was an old jaguar, then sure the Lucid tech features seem great.

But it’s a real bummer to me that the software is such a huge step behind Tesla, Rivian, etc…when things like the automatic unlocking doesn’t work half the time and I have to stand outside the car waving my phone around. Or profile switching taking half an hour. The homelink button getting lost in reverse, it took them 2 years to fix that but I guess they finally did lol. But to me it really sours what’s actually a pretty solid product.
@momo3605 is absolutely correct. Lucid's SW features and quality are significantly behind the industry leaders. Moreover, SW OTAs are often problematic, witness the many issues associated with the recent 2.4.X rollout.

While some of the recently enabled features such as DDP enhancements etc. are good, keep in mind that I had most of these same features on my 2017 Lexus almost 8 years ago. As @momo3605 noted, Rivian's SW and updates are still much superior to Lucid's. There is no comparison!

I agree with many of you the Lucid Air is a good piece of automotive mechanical engineering. The power train is excellent (after my initial problems in my first month of ownership requiring replacement of the Wunderbox and battery and a few other minor issues). The cabin is comfortable. Lucid must beef up its SW development and OTA process. With CarPlay enabled, it is a step in the right direction; but we still need AA, promised for Fall '24. Most users want a "familiar" SW environment in their car just like their phone. There is little value in spending SW resources on maps, navigation, and features already covered by CarPlay and AA. Rivian is also remiss in this respect (CarPlay and AA), but Rivian's SW actually works!

I would love the Lucid a whole lot more if they take a pragmatic approach to the whole car experience. It is a computer on wheels!
I know there is another place to post wish-list upgrades. But, here I go anyway:

Lock the glove box for "valet" mode
Fold the side mirrors when approaching the "home" location.
I get the feeling a lot of people come from older legacy automakers so Lucid seems super modern and high tech and awesome, and yea I get it. If your last car was an old jaguar, then sure the Lucid tech features seem great.

But it’s a real bummer to me that the software is such a huge step behind Tesla, Rivian, etc
I don't know how far they are behind Tesla and Rivian. I'm coming from a 17 year old Chevrolet.

With the Lucid I walk up press the door handle wait for a 3-count, door handles extend I pull on the handle and open the door. A clean two step process.

With the old legacy Chevrolet I approach the locked car, touch the door handle, the electric door latch releases the door and I open the door.. A troublesome single step process.

My point is even first time EV buyers are seeing deficiencies in Lucid's software/hardware design.
I don't know how far they are behind Tesla and Rivian. I'm coming from a 17 year old Chevrolet.

With the Lucid I walk up press the door handle wait for a 3-count, door handles extend I pull on the handle and open the door. A clean two step process.

With the old legacy Chevrolet I approach the locked car, touch the door handle, the electric door latch releases the door and I open the door.. A troublesome single step process.

My point is even first time EV buyers are seeing deficiencies in Lucid's software/hardware design.
Yea honestly you're right. Any car in the past 2 decades with keyless entry works better than Lucid's bluetooth based system.
I know there is another place to post wish-list upgrades. But, here I go anyway:

Lock the glove box for "valet" mode
Fold the side mirrors when approaching the "home" location.
Yes please fold side mirrors when approaching home. Leave folded when I start car to leave. Unfold after I leave home area.
I think we should get a new wishlist for 2025

One of the things which is tiny ask is to have the option to customize the lock sound + changing the humming sound for reverse and low speed and add stationary sound
We’re lucky to have official Lucid presence here in the forums, directly listening to our feedback.

I have five software improvement suggestions, and I’m happy to elaborate on any of them if the below isn’t clear enough.

1- Speed limit: this feature temporarily adds a limit on the max speed the vehicle can reach, whether it’s manually set or automated based on the readings of traffic signs which is already integrated into the software (maybe add an option of relative/absolute offset to the max speed if it’s automated). I’ve seen this feature in some European cars, and it’s actually very useful, especially in a car so comfortable on the highway like our Lucid Air, that we don’t feel we’re going as fast as we actually do, and tend to realize we’re doing 90 mph on a 65 mph because it’s on smooth mode and we didn’t pay attention. Similar to ACC, the set-point of the speed limit can be adjusted easily using the controls on the steering wheel, or turned off to overtake another vehicle for example. Some of us still enjoy manually driving our vehicles and don’t completely rely on ACC/HA, and a speed limiter can help in avoiding unintentionally going above the speed limit (or 10 miles / 10% above that).

2- Auto reduction of music volume when opening the vehicle door: this is self explanatory. I think it’s respectful to others in public parking lots or our neighbors when my other EV does that (without naming names lol), I never thought of this feature until I experienced it, and I find myself trying to manually do it in my Lucid before opening my door.

3- Turn off the vehicle and climate control, and disconnect devices if all passengers have left the vehicle, based on the sensors in the seats. I sometimes remain in my garage after leaving my vehicle but it’s annoying when I discover that it’s still connected to my Lucid with all my audio being transferred to the sound system of the Lucid, while no one is still there, but the close proximity of the phone/key fob makes it think I’m still using the vehicle while I’m not. And vice versa, keep the vehicle and climate control turned on if there are passengers present inside the vehicle, without needing to turn on the (keep mode) in climate control. I think this only happens if someone is present in the front seats but not the rear seats (correct me if I’m wrong).

4- Display drive modes and regen settings in the center cockpit panel: add two small icons or text indicating smooth/swift/sprint drive mode and low/standard/high regen setting. To make it easy to read with a quick glance, maybe add a simple color along with the icon/text, green for smooth, yellow for swift and red for sprint, and something similar for regen braking setting. Looking downwards at the pilot screen to check which drive mode is on, and needing to tap on the existing driving mode to check the regen setting isn’t convenient and not in the line-of-sight of the driver. It’s safer and easier to read for the driver if it was available in the center cockpit panel.

5- Wake up the vehicle when pressing the manual release button on the trunk, similar to when pushing any of the door handles. This has been an issue for me, when approaching the vehicle from the back where it does automatically wake up, and I have stuff with me to put in the trunk, but pressing the manual release button doesn’t wake up the car, and I’m forced to go push one of the door handles to unlock it first. Minor inconvenience but it’d be great if it’s possible to implement it.
As to #5, I do not understand why it is when the vehicle is already unlocked and I have the trunk open, I fill my trunk, close it, and the car locks, leaving me doing the wave outside the driver's door.
I think we should get a new wishlist for 2025

One of the things which is tiny ask is to have the option to customize the lock sound + changing the humming sound for reverse and low speed and add stationary sound
I imagine that sound must go through a variety of compliance testing.
Wipers controls. As the rain increases or decreases we have to go looking for the correct button to press. This forces to take the eyes off the road.
Two days ago I was driving on the freeway and found myself changing the wipers speed rather often. At one point a torrential rain started and I needed to change the wipers speed to the fastest setting. It was already dark and lots of freeway traffic, one could hardly see the road. As I tried to find the correct button and keeping my eyes on the road I hit the lights button and they went off. It was not a very comfortable situation managing the lights, the rain, trying to avoid a collision, or avoiding the car behind me to hit me.
I wish Lucid would had the rotating stalk for the wipers speed.
Totally agree with the wipers control, same happened to me a few times in fall wondering to understand how this setup could have been approved. They should offer a retrofit with an old "twistable" wiper/flasher arm for area other than desertic climate. Now that we reach the snow season I'm a bit freaking...

Having " Regenerative braking now includes an "Off" setting, which will default back to "Standard" when the vehicle restarts." with 2.5.0. I'll be more than happy having regenerative braking switch back "on" as soon has we push pedal brake ( proportionally adjusted with brake pads accordingly to pressure apply). I will like to "coast" with no regen on highway but being able to regen when I need to brake or slow down. Of course releasing the brake will return regen to off as initially selected. But bravo Lucid you're going the right way, keep going...
Wipers controls. As the rain increases or decreases we have to go looking for the correct button to press. This forces to take the eyes off the road.
Two days ago I was driving on the freeway and found myself changing the wipers speed rather often. At one point a torrential rain started and I needed to change the wipers speed to the fastest setting. It was already dark and lots of freeway traffic, one could hardly see the road. As I tried to find the correct button and keeping my eyes on the road I hit the lights button and they went off. It was not a very comfortable situation managing the lights, the rain, trying to avoid a collision, or avoiding the car behind me to hit me.
I wish Lucid would had the rotating stalk for the wipers speed.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. The intermittent wipers are practically useless. Need to go back to the stalk where you can also adjust the intermittent wiping speed. I had the same problem with taking my eyes off the road while driving trying to find a wiping speed that works, not constantly fiddling around with low, high, press button for one swipe etc.