This is why i have trouble with self-driving in general


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Apr 16, 2023
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It's been not ready since my car had it in 2018. Just a somewhat risky party trick.
I'd be quite happy with hands off on highways/freeways and would not bat an eyelid if it never went beyond that. That alone could be a great fatigue reducer as that is the bulk of where long trips are spent.
I would too but I'm afraid if never trust it enough to let go...
Hands off doesn't mean eyes off..... you'd still be paying attention
Lucid interfering with my texts every 15 seconds, or so...
I find very disturbing and annoying.

PS . I never get the warning to keep your hands on the wheel when my HA is activated!!! 😂
I just returned from a drive in my friend's Tesla Y. He's a Tesla fanboy, but otherwise a good guy. It was an interesting drive. The spot for lunch was about five miles away from work. He put in the address and NEVER touched the steering wheel, accelerator or brake. The car just drove itself like a person was driving it. It was very weird. He didn't use the summon feature, but told me it was updated two weeks ago. Before it was called Smart Summon, now it's called ASS (Actually Smart Summon). The other thing is that is kind of cool is that when Tesla releases new features, like the point to point automatic driving, drivers get to play with it for a month. So he's not planning keeping it because it's a $9K feature, but he gets to have fun with it for another week.
I just returned from a drive in my friend's Tesla Y. He's a Tesla fanboy, but otherwise a good guy. It was an interesting drive. The spot for lunch was about five miles away from work. He put in the address and NEVER touched the steering wheel, accelerator or brake. The car just drove itself like a person was driving it. It was very weird. He didn't use the summon feature, but told me it was updated two weeks ago. Before it was called Smart Summon, now it's called ASS (Actually Smart Summon). The other thing is that is kind of cool is that when Tesla releases new features, like the point to point automatic driving, drivers get to play with it for a month. So he's not planning keeping it because it's a $9K feature, but he gets to have fun with it for another week.
Yeah, but does it serve milk & cookies? ;)
I just returned from a drive in my friend's Tesla Y. He's a Tesla fanboy, but otherwise a good guy. It was an interesting drive. The spot for lunch was about five miles away from work. He put in the address and NEVER touched the steering wheel, accelerator or brake. The car just drove itself like a person was driving it. It was very weird. He didn't use the summon feature, but told me it was updated two weeks ago. Before it was called Smart Summon, now it's called ASS (Actually Smart Summon). The other thing is that is kind of cool is that when Tesla releases new features, like the point to point automatic driving, drivers get to play with it for a month. So he's not planning keeping it because it's a $9K feature, but he gets to have fun with it for another week.
The system is impressive and it's probably the most advanced Level 2 ADAS system on the market today. It's still got flaws and Tesla's struggle is going to get over that last hurdle before this thing will ever be true FSD. Being generous, let's say the system is 95% successful in its drives with a 5% error rate, that 5% could take years to resolve. The fact that Tesla hasn't even gone for Level 3 certification tells me they don't have full faith in their system or know it won't pass.

I think what Tesla has been able to deliver is extremely impressive and credit where credit is due has probably forced other automakers to step it up a little BUT I'm sick of hearing about how its already a FSD system by all the fanboys. Tesla needs to put up of shut up, get it certified or it will be forever a Level 2 ADAS system like every other automaker has at the moment.

Don't even get me started on the robotaxi. Tesla needs NHTSA approval to launch a car without controls, but even then, it would still be limited to 2,500 units annually so once again the promises Elon made at that event shows he's still full of shit but everyone fell for it.
I don't think anyone "fell" for it. His last robotaxi reveal (with dancing robots) was panned and the stock actually dipped the next day - gives you a taste of investor sentiment. Considering his shifting timelines, I don't see how you can put much stock in what he promises. You'll just have to judge by what Tesla produces. Which, I agree, with the others, is the most advanced ADAS system to date but still far behind what was envisioned at this point. But with an ASS in every Tesla (I see what you did Amster🙂), how is that not fitting??!!
I don't think anyone "fell" for it. His last robotaxi reveal (with dancing robots) was panned and the stock actually dipped the next day - gives you a taste of investor sentiment. Considering his shifting timelines, I don't see how you can put much stock in what he promises. You'll just have to judge by what Tesla produces. Which, I agree, with the others, is the most advanced ADAS system to date but still far behind what was envisioned at this point. But with an ASS in every Tesla (I see what you did Amster🙂), how is that not fitting??!!
I didn't make that up, that is really what it's called. If you go to the sub-screen to toggle it on and off, that's what it says.
I would have liked to see the summon thing, but it would have had to drive itself across a tight parking lot and he didn't want me laughing at him if it didn't work.
I didn't make that up, that is really what it's called. If you go to the sub-screen to toggle it on and off, that's what it says.
I would have liked to see the summon thing, but it would have had to drive itself across a tight parking lot and he didn't want me laughing at him if it didn't work.
That only makes it funnier 😂😂😂
I surely hope Lucid will roll out features like lane keep assist (not wishing for hands-free - I don’t want to be greedy) to non-DD pro customers as well. We know it is possible with just radar and cameras - like Lexus and others have been doing for years or Tesla. I know I didn’t opt for DD Pro when I leased my Air, but you can’t blame a man for dreaming!
I just returned from a drive in my friend's Tesla Y. He's a Tesla fanboy, but otherwise a good guy. It was an interesting drive. The spot for lunch was about five miles away from work. He put in the address and NEVER touched the steering wheel, accelerator or brake. The car just drove itself like a person was driving it. It was very weird. He didn't use the summon feature, but told me it was updated two weeks ago. Before it was called Smart Summon, now it's called ASS (Actually Smart Summon). The other thing is that is kind of cool is that when Tesla releases new features, like the point to point automatic driving, drivers get to play with it for a month. So he's not planning keeping it because it's a $9K feature, but he gets to have fun with it for another week.
The issue isn't that FSD isn't impressive; it's that the confidence with which Elon pitches it causes people to develop a false sense of confidence in it, and it makes mistakes often. If you're not paying attention, it can easily kill you.

But that's not different from Lucid or any other manufacturer! In fact, Tesla's system on the highway is arguably better than Lucid's today.

The difference is Lucid doesn't pretend the car can drive itself, and Tesla does. It can drive itself for a while, sure. Maybe even some whole trips. But this is one of those situations where needing you to take over once a drive or once every couple drives is actually superior to requiring the driver to take over once every couple months, because in the latter case, you are caught offguard. And that's fine, if Tesla would just say that and stop saying it is "full self driving" and/or that the car "drives itself."
I just returned from a drive in my friend's Tesla Y. He's a Tesla fanboy, but otherwise a good guy. It was an interesting drive. The spot for lunch was about five miles away from work. He put in the address and NEVER touched the steering wheel, accelerator or brake. The car just drove itself like a person was driving it. It was very weird. He didn't use the summon feature, but told me it was updated two weeks ago. Before it was called Smart Summon, now it's called ASS (Actually Smart Summon). The other thing is that is kind of cool is that when Tesla releases new features, like the point to point automatic driving, drivers get to play with it for a month. So he's not planning keeping it because it's a $9K feature, but he gets to have fun with it for another week.
I saw the word "ASS" in your message and immediately wondered who hijacked your account! 🤣

(Summon is a pretty cool feature, I used to lust over it a couple of years ago. I'm shocked not a lot of other car companies have it... although there may be a reason for that)
I saw the word "ASS" in your message and immediately wondered who hijacked your account! 🤣
Yeah, that's not usually a part of my daily language, and definitely not anything I type online. So that's not a bad assumption.