Pure Owners


Aug 22, 2024
Reaction score
Tesla Model Y Long Range
Have an opportunity to buy a 24 Pure. Need to make the decision quickly. Can someone give me the pros and cons of the 24 Pure? I am semi retired and when I work my round trip is between 225-250 miles. These trips are typically 85% highway and 15% city. I do not drive faster than 70mph. About 20% of the trip is in heavy bumper to bumper congestion. Will the Pure do that without having to charge? What would real world range be going from 80% to 20%. Live in Texas so our Summers can last from may until mid to late October. Run the A/C from mid April to mid October. Run the heater from late November to mid March.
Thanks in advance for answering my questions.
I live in South FL and do about 70 miles a day. My pure stealth with 20inch wheels goes 400 miles on one charge. You get the 19 inchers and you can go 420ish. I charge once a week and get about 4kwh. Had the car for a month now and love it. Comfy and sporty with a nice look. It always turns heads and gets compliments. I love it. Best car I’ve ever had. That said, test drive for yourself and get a feel for if it fits you. I think it seems practical for your situation tho. Should be fine.
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Pure owner here in Dallas. Mine is 2024 RWD. 2025s seems to have better efficiency and. Has a heat pumps that should aid in better efficiency, especially in winter. I unusually drive 2-3 above the posted limit. Usual routes are Dallas to Houston or Austin. In those routes, I am doing up to 78 and occasional 80-85 for passing. I get around 4 to 4.2 miles per KW. 2024s have an 88KW battery pack and my real life range is from 352 to 366 miles. I never pushed it to empty. My drive to Austin is about 220 miles and I am left with 33% battery during my last run. Houston is about 250 miles and I was left with 25% battery during my last run without charging. Please feel free to ask any questions. It is an amazing vehicle.
One item I missed to add. I have no idea what the winter range would be. I had the car only since July this year. There are multiple options to charge between Dallas and Houston/Austin and one year free EA charging is included, according to the EA Charger I was plugged into. Lucid said free charging is not included but EA says it is and yet to charge me in more than 10+ charging sessions I did so far.
Have an opportunity to buy a 24 Pure. Need to make the decision quickly. Can someone give me the pros and cons of the 24 Pure? I am semi retired and when I work my round trip is between 225-250 miles. These trips are typically 85% highway and 15% city. I do not drive faster than 70mph. About 20% of the trip is in heavy bumper to bumper congestion. Will the Pure do that without having to charge? What would real world range be going from 80% to 20%. Live in Texas so our Summers can last from may until mid to late October. Run the A/C from mid April to mid October. Run the heater from late November to mid March.
Thanks in advance for answering my questions.
I absolutely love the vehicle, it is smooth and has great tech , seats are comfortable lots of space.. it may not be insanely fast like a grand touring.. but it is still high performance sports car fast and a pleasure to drive.. I would think 250 round trip is doable… you might have to charge past the recommended 80% a little
I appreciate everybody responding to my numerous questions. All of this information is very helpful.
In my 2023 Pure with AWD, no aero covers on 19" wheels, a roundtrip commute of 100 miles (70% highway/30% surface streets) takes my battery from 80% to 56% driving at ~65 MPH on the highway, two people in the car, avg. 60-75 degree weather, no cross-winds, good road conditions, and 2-3 small hills to go up and over on the way. Extrapolating that to a 250 mile commute (x2.5) would take the battery from 80% to about 20%.
I drove Air Pure AWD in 115F weather at 70mph (HA set to 72) and AC 75F fan speed 8. Got 3.8 miles per kWh. At 32 to 45F ambient, heat set to 68 I got 3.6 miles per kWh on 19" wheels. So yes 220 miles round trip in anhy weather is no brainer.
Thank all of you for the range information it is extremely helpful. If I make a change I want to make sure that I get better range than what I am getting now.
Thank all of you for the range information it is extremely helpful. If I make a change I want to make sure that I get better range than what I am getting now.

Good luck with your decision! Please feel free to ask any questions. I would love to learn what you ended up doing.
I appreciate all of your and everybody else's comments. They have been very informative and helpful. I have been on other forums were a few members make snarky reminds about questions that are asked. I have not seen that type of behavior on this forum.
I will keep you informed about the decision. If not now hopefully it will happen in the future. The clock is running out of time. Maybe I need to throw a Hail Mary pass. I live in Tyler and come into Dallas on a regular basis for my part time job. Maybe our paths will cross someday.
As of this very moment I am planning on going to the Lucid Studio in Plano tomorrow morning. I do not have an appointment. I would at least like to look at and sit in a Pure. If possible take a test drive.
They should be able to fit you in! They are usually very open to longer test drives. They were super helpful when I requested test drive with multiple family members on a short notice! I DMed you a contact at the Plano studio. If you see a pure in Zenith red around Dallas area, that could be me. I still have my temp tags from AZ, while waiting to my Texas plates (Lucid is processing that).
That Zenith Red is my favorite color. Makes the car very visible.
I live in South FL and do about 70 miles a day. My pure stealth with 20inch wheels goes 400 miles on one charge. You get the 19 inchers and you can go 420ish. I charge once a week and get about 4kwh. Had the car for a month now and love it. Comfy and sporty with a nice look. It always turns heads and gets compliments. I love it. Best car I’ve ever had. That said, test drive for yourself and get a feel for if it fits you. I think it seems practical for your situation tho. Should be fine.
400 miles! How many miles does it display after you charge it (I’m assuming charge to 100%)? I’m curious because I’ve charged twice to 90% and the display shows 338 and 340, respectively, which equates to about 380 miles if I charge to 100%. I’ve had mine for 2 months, 20-inch wheels, stealth.
Your response is appreciated.