Musk: "We dug our own grave with Cybertruck."

Think about it, well established Elon Musk having so much trouble with launching the Cybertruck.
Imagine what troubles Peter Rawlinson had to go through to launch brand new Air?
Hats off to Peter Rawlinson and his entire team.
Considering the fact that he looks like he aged 20 years in 5, it just shows the amount of pressure that he took to create the BEST car in the world. The entire Lucid team is very dedicated to what they do.
Considering the fact that he looks like he aged 20 years in 5, it just shows the amount of pressure that he took to create the BEST car in the world. The entire Lucid team is very dedicated to what they do.
You mean he has gone 20x senile in 5 year.;)
From Alex on Autos (aka Auto Buyers' Guide):

"Hold onto your hats Cybertruck fans, the EPA certification data has dropped and it's a doozy. Tesla is claiming 340 miles of range for the dual motor model, but if Tesla followed the same math Rivian, Ford and GM use to calculate range it would be 50 miles less at 290. I've talked about this before, but the EPA in essence allows two different methods of arriving at the advertised range figure and Tesla chooses the most aggressive.

According to the data just released, the 2-motor Tesla would rate 290 miles and the 3-motor would be 283 miles. That puts them below the 320 mile lightning, and way behind the 410 mile R1T or 450 mile Silverado EV. That also means that even with the range extender, the longest range Cybertruck will lag behind the Chevy and Rivian (400 miles vs 470 as claimed).

What's going on? In a nutshell a car company can calculate the EPA numbers using a fixed "modifier" of .7. (I will let you all google the exact math if you want to, it's complicated.) With additional testing you can create your own "modifier" and Tesla tested out at .82. This does not mean it's more efficient, it's simply a variable in the equation that spits out the range numbers. Two trucks could get the EXACT SAME results on the EPA test cycles and one could be rated 15% higher than the other simply by using the optional modifier vs the default.

As pointed out by Reddit user u/Wugz, not only is the Rivian more efficient at 50 mph, at 70 MPH it'll be consuming just 85% of the power a Cybertuck would need to maintain the same speed.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The EPA needs to change their procedures and close this "loophole" because it's getting ridiculous. A 15% difference in range estimates based on the same test and same results is moronic. At this time the competitive EV trucks are all rated on the default modifier, so their range figures will be much closer to reality (although still not "real world")."
Not good for the CT but great promo for Ford Heavy Duty 🤣
Am I weird in that.. I actually sorta like it?? Then again, I like the unwrapped Cybertruck... please, don't ban me!
Honestly, it looks better with a "patina" like that , for sure.

I wouldn't be surprised if Tesla started offering "relic" Cybertrucks pre-wrapped to look like this. Sort of like they do with guitars to make them look "vintage" even though they are brand new.