So I don’t recommend anyone doing this, I was turning left in my Lucid and hadn’t shown my new friends the sprint mode. I quietly put it in Sprint mode and As I was turning left at traffic light I stepped on the accelerator. At first it was like weeeee zoom zoom then it felt like after I got out of the turn I lost control of the car for a slight second but then some how magically the car adjust its steering wheel very abruptly shaking the whole cabin and everyone was like “ahhh” as it shaked the car. Well now I know to never use Sprint mode while turning again only use for straight line shots. Anyways I am Curious what was the car doing and is it normal? Have you experienced this before? If not can you try and tell me what it is ?

I'm sorry and mean no offence, but what? This has to be a joke, right?
First, if you floor it during a turn, your car will inevitably lose control, no matter if it is a fwd econobox or a Lambo. You can
absolutely use sprint in turns, but dont use the extreme power during the turns by flooring it! Again, would have thought that was known...
The car "magically adjusting" itself is because traditional steering wheels (some sbw systems may not) center themselves due to complicated factors (simplified: the tire's want to move in that direction due to the caster angle), and when you lose control the tires will inevitably shift and tend to try to similarly "center" themselves and sometimes follow the elevation of that road (really shitty and oversimplified explanation, i'll admit, and probably wrong in some aspects. theres other factors such as forces and the balance of the car working to bias the wheels, etc. you should probably listen to somebody else as i cant articulate it properly, lol). To be clear and to answer your question, the car "adjusting" the steering is normal. Don't forget, the tires are mechanically attached to the steering itself. This is why F1 drivers let go of their steering wheel during a crash, because if they crash and the tires suddenly turn in a millisecond, the steering wheel will follow that movement and abruptly move, which would break their wrists if they kept their hands on the steering (watch Daniel Ricciardo's crash/injury last year at the Dutch GP FP3 for reference). I got injured in a sim for this same reason. This does
NOT, ABSOLUTELY NOT mean you should let go of the steering when you spin, to be clear. I am only giving an analogy to better visualize why the steering will move according to the tires movement.