Dear Lucid Customer: buy a Lucid!


Active Member
Verified Owner
Sep 5, 2023
Reaction score
Los Gatos, CA
AP RWD, 986 S 6MT
Heyo Lucid email marketing department! Shoot me a DM and I'll get you into a marketing automation tool that has a tighter integration with your SFDC CRM, and can automatically remove current customers (like me) from prospective customer (weekly) email blasts dynamically. I'll even upgrade you to the enterprise edition if we can swap in some massaging seats. Or at least just the driver's seat. Sincerely, Customer.
Heyo Lucid email marketing department! Shoot me a DM and I'll get you into a marketing automation tool that has a tighter integration with your SFDC CRM, and can automatically remove current customers (like me) from prospective customer (weekly) email blasts dynamically. I'll even upgrade you to the enterprise edition if we can swap in some massaging seats. Or at least just the driver's seat. Sincerely, Customer.
It's not so terrible, there are plenty of 2 Lucid households and I could possibly be one as well. Seeing the current promotions is good.
I'm OK getting the emails, even though they are early by a Gravity or so.
Haha, sadly that's me at my sober best.

And yes @hydbob I'm probably an overly sensitive recipient since this kinda stuff is my day job, but even the mom & pop small business retailers I buy from know if I'm a customer or not and message me accordingly, and I'm pretty sure they're not using an enterprise CRM to log my status, deal notes, etc. And the copy is definitely targeting new customers since they're promoting test drives, so unless you're like Cameron's dad from Ferris Bueler and forbid anyone other than yourself from driving, I would think a test drive wouldn't be your leading call to action. And if you're already an owner, awesome - send me the current promotions from that POV. Just seems kinda janky and a very, very, very insignificant way, especially in the absence of any other actual owner promotions or event invitations (which I'd very much love to receive). Maybe it would make for a better customer experience and generate more referrals and upsells? Maybe I just need to pay for my own massage and chill TF out? Time will tell...
Haha, sadly that's me at my sober best.

And yes @hydbob I'm probably an overly sensitive recipient since this kinda stuff is my day job, but even the mom & pop small business retailers I buy from know if I'm a customer or not and message me accordingly, and I'm pretty sure they're not using an enterprise CRM to log my status, deal notes, etc. And the copy is definitely targeting new customers since they're promoting test drives, so unless you're like Cameron's dad from Ferris Bueler and forbid anyone other than yourself from driving, I would think a test drive wouldn't be your leading call to action. And if you're already an owner, awesome - send me the current promotions from that POV. Just seems kinda janky and a very, very, very insignificant way, especially in the absence of any other actual owner promotions or event invitations (which I'd very much love to receive). Maybe it would make for a better customer experience and generate more referrals and upsells? Maybe I just need to pay for my own massage and chill TF out? Time will tell...
Class action time?
I get emails from Apple all the time, hours after I order something, letting me know I can now order that thing. Always makes me chuckle.

If a company the size of Apple does this sort of stuff, I’m thinking Lucid is doing fine.
I get emails from Apple all the time, hours after I order something, letting me know I can now order that thing. Always makes me chuckle.

If a company the size of Apple does this sort of stuff, I’m thinking Lucid is doing fine.
Soeaking of which, did you order a Vision Pro?
yall are wildin. it's amazing what bothers you guys in the upper tax brackets 😂
A pox on your slander! I work long and hard (as an entitled techie) for hours a day talking to people on zoom calls, at a standing desk no less, sometimes about business but mostly about golf and football, both of which I hate, so when I end my day at 2 PM the least I deserve is to be able to kick back to some correctly personalized mass emails for unnecessary products I don't own, and in the process affirm my sense of identity, purpose, and patriotism for what makes this late stage capitalist nation the greatest.  These are the values (and emails) I subscribe to, and if a wilder be what these values do make, then I suppose, wait what does that mean again?

@joec wait seriously? That's insane. Apparently, in these uncertain times, I can no longer count on email marketing as my bastion of serenity and hope for survival.
A pox on your slander! I work long and hard (as an entitled techie) for hours a day talking to people on zoom calls, at a standing desk no less, sometimes about business but mostly about golf and football, both of which I hate, so when I end my day at 2 PM the least I deserve is to be able to kick back to some correctly personalized mass emails for unnecessary products I don't own, and in the process affirm my sense of identity, purpose, and patriotism for what makes this late stage capitalist nation the greatest.  These are the values (and emails) I subscribe to, and if a wilder be what these values do make, then I suppose, wait what does that mean again?

@joec wait seriously? That's insane. Apparently, in these uncertain times, I can no longer count on email marketing as my bastion of serenity and hope for survival.
I feel bad for your day at work. Go drink at a bar like the rest of us 🤣
To be fair, if or when Lucid accepts trade-ins I very well may be a second time new (or gently used) owner, no email adverts required.
They use SF as their CRM, theres probably just a few things that need to be updated on their end (which is probably not a high priority for them, if I had to guess)
My only real annoyance (as I'm sure plenty of others feel the same way) is not waiting longer to buy my Lucid. Had I waited just 3 more weeks, I could have had FREE Pro credits... had I waited just 2 months, I could have paid $7500 less + free pro credits.. waited 4 months and I could have paid $10,000 less. It is what it is. At least I got what I believe to be one of the good ones (no major failures like some others have experienced). We had a flawless 4500 mile trip when it came to my Lucid working as one would expect of a new car -- and I had several friends think I was a bit crazy to take a newer company, new technology, etc car on such a big trip.
What do you think?
Yeah, good point 🤣 let me know what you think of it when you get it! I think it’s a great deal considering all the “devices” you get in one! When’s your delivery window?

Also, do me and the world a favor by not wearing it in public like you would an iPhone! You won't do that... right?
Yeah, good point 🤣 let me know what you think of it when you get it! I think it’s a great deal considering all the “devices” you get in one! When’s your delivery window?

Also, do me and the world a favor by not wearing it in public like you would an iPhone! You won't do that... right?
Airplanes and trains. Because it’s just too good for watching movies. But otherwise, at home only.
Airplanes and trains. Because it’s just too good for watching movies. But otherwise, at home only.
Yikes, I do admit it would be good for watching movies(you could literally simulate something BIGGER than an actual theater) but planes + an enclosed vr movie experience is a recipe for disaster. By the end of the 2 hour trip, you will have gone through 6 barf bags and the flight attendants would be getting irritated at you consistently barfing and getting dizzy while walking.
Yikes, I do admit it would be good for watching movies(you could literally simulate something BIGGER than an actual theater) but planes + an enclosed vr movie experience is a recipe for disaster. By the end of the 2 hour trip, you will have gone through 6 barf bags and the flight attendants would be getting irritated at you consistently barfing and getting dizzy while walking.
Talk about this somewhere else.