RESOLVED Charge port error and Wiper Blade error


New Member
May 17, 2023
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Air Touring
So, I'm 3 weeks in my AT. When I went to turn on the car. Wiper blades came on and then Charge port error appear. Charge port will not open manually or by button in car. Also, WiperBlades will only shut off when I turn off car. Anyone else have this problem? Called customer support. Engineering team will call me tomorrow.


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Do a Logo reset and see if the problem disappears.
It’s a good idea to read the FAQs at Your question is covered there as well as a lot of other questions that new owners have.
Go to Settings, About and look for the “Air” logo in the upper left of the Pilot Panel. Press on the logo for 15-20 seconds and you will see a “Powering off” message appear in the upper right panel. Release the button. Allow the car to reboot.
Call/text service.
I did. They said engineering will call tomorrow.
So, I'm 3 weeks in my AT. When I went to turn on the car. Wiper blades came on and then Charge port error appear. Charge port will not open manually or by button in car. Also, WiperBlades will only shut off when I turn off car. Anyone else have this problem? Called customer support. Engineering team will call me tomorrow.
Ah, sounds like you have a fault in the bus for the charge port, I think somehow they’re linked to the wiper motors. Believe it or not it’s a safety feature, so if you were driving in the rain when it failed your wipers wouldn’t quit working. My problem was more severe as I also had the rear drive motor coolant pump and left battery coolant pump fail. Interestingly only my left wiper would keep going, the right one was ok. Definitely text service though. Out of curiousity did this happen within a few hours of DC fast charging? Mine did, I’m pretty sure the charger fried my car. Also have you tried to drive the vehicle? Mine got turtle mode but was reduced to 50mph to protect the drive motor since the coolant pump had failed. Also don’t do the nuclear reboot, that way service can pull logs and investigate.
So, I'm 3 weeks in my AT. When I went to turn on the car. Wiper blades came on and then Charge port error appear. Charge port will not open manually or by button in car. Also, WiperBlades will only shut off when I turn off car. Anyone else have this problem? Called customer support. Engineering team will call me tomorrow.
Also When you get in touch with your local service center tell them Mark at the Natick center diagnosed and found my problem, it was actually a very tricky diagnosis as he had to put a volt meter on tons of difficult to access parts so if your center talks to him it could save them time (took 2 weeks to fix mine). The fact that your problem is almost identical to mine makes me wonder if a circuit board supplier of theirs has a defect, or it’s related to charging. Sorry, hope it gets fixed soon!
I had those two errors just before I went into Turtle mode.
Also When you get in touch with your local service center tell them Mark at the Natick center diagnosed and found my problem, it was actually a very tricky diagnosis as he had to put a volt meter on tons of difficult to access parts so if your center talks to him it could save them time (took 2 weeks to fix mine). The fact that your problem is almost identical to mine makes me wonder if a circuit board supplier of theirs has a defect, or it’s related to charging. Sorry, hope it gets fixed soon!
That Mark is a sharp cookie.
I did logo reset. Nothing happened. Called customer service yesterday. Said engineering team will call me hopefully today.
So, I'm 3 weeks in my AT. When I went to turn on the car. Wiper blades came on and then Charge port error appear. Charge port will not open manually or by button in car. Also, WiperBlades will only shut off when I turn off car. Anyone else have this problem? Called customer support. Engineering team will call me tomorrow.

I actually had the exact same issues on my AT this morning. Luckily I was in my garage and getting ready to head out for the day, so it was not in a dangerous location. I called customer care and they opened a service ticket for me. Service technician John said that my car will need to go to Natick for diagnosis and repair since the NY service center has not opened yet. Right now, I'm just waiting to hear back on a date and time that my car is going to be towed to MA. Hopefully, this can be fixed up and the turn around time isn't too long. What ended up being the final outcome?
I actually had the exact same issues on my AT this morning. Luckily I was in my garage and getting ready to head out for the day, so it was not in a dangerous location. I called customer care and they opened a service ticket for me. Service technician John said that my car will need to go to Natick for diagnosis and repair since the NY service center has not opened yet. Right now, I'm just waiting to hear back on a date and time that my car is going to be towed to MA. Hopefully, this can be fixed up and the turn around time isn't too long. What ended up being the final outcome?
Replacement module I believe.
Replacement module I believe.
How the hell did I stumble on this thread??

Yesterday, did my a home charge in the mtns with a new home CP unit. Lucid app said charge complete. CP app said charge complete. I did not use the Lucid dash starting or stopping. I did NOT hit stop charging on either app or the dash. Lights on the Lucid port were full and solid.

At our main home, I have to hit STOP on the Lucid for the cable to release. Not this time. I simply unplugged the CP cable. Instantly, the windshield wipers did ONE sweep and stopped. A few seconds later, the charge port closes normally. Car goes back to sleep. Car runs fine.
I actually had the exact same issues on my AT this morning. Luckily I was in my garage and getting ready to head out for the day, so it was not in a dangerous location. I called customer care and they opened a service ticket for me. Service technician John said that my car will need to go to Natick for diagnosis and repair since the NY service center has not opened yet. Right now, I'm just waiting to hear back on a date and time that my car is going to be towed to MA. Hopefully, this can be fixed up and the turn around time isn't too long. What ended up being the final outcome?
The chargeport door and wiper control module are on the same circuit board, as it was explained to me. If the board fails, the wipers will run, and this is by deliberate design as a safety feature in case it were to fail in the rain, then the wiper motor circuit is open so you can still see in the rain. The fix is not lengthy, you only have to wait for the replacement part. When it happened to my car it took about 1.5 weeks but that included a some substantial troubleshooting time.
I actually had the exact same issues on my AT this morning. Luckily I was in my garage and getting ready to head out for the day, so it was not in a dangerous location. I called customer care and they opened a service ticket for me. Service technician John said that my car will need to go to Natick for diagnosis and repair since the NY service center has not opened yet. Right now, I'm just waiting to hear back on a date and time that my car is going to be towed to MA. Hopefully, this can be fixed up and the turn around time isn't too long. What ended up being the final outcome?
Hi NJ, well it only took 3 days to fix. It turns out that a circuit in the cooling pump went out. So, since that circuit is connected to several devices on that side, it cause a chain of events. Wipers, charging port door error, and then safety warning issue. Once the circuit was replaced. Everything was good to go.