FEATURE Lucid Financial Services portal


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May 1, 2022
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San Francisco, CA
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For those of us who set up Lucid Financial Services accounts early on, you may be pleased to know Lucid has finally created a proper online portal for making payments. Still can't set up auto pay yet (that's coming, I'm told) but you can at least do one-time monthly payments now without calling or sending in a paper check, like it's 1868.

Lucid Financial Services Portal

You have to create a new login and link your account number to it, but once that's set up, you can add your bank account ACH info and save it for future payments.

Nice to see them making progress on this already. I'm sure it will mature over time.

Saves me a phone call every month now, at least. I couldn't be bothered with setting up auto pay via sending in a canceled check, etc. I'll wait for them to add that to this new portal.
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For those of us who set up Lucid Financial Services accounts early on, you may be pleased to know Lucid has finally created a proper online portal for making payments. Still can't set up auto pay yet (that's coming, I'm told) but you can at least do one-time monthly payments now without calling or sending in a paper check, like it's 1868.

Lucid Financial Services Portal

You have to create a new login and link your account number to it, but once that's set up, you can add your bank account ACH info and save it for future payments.

Nice to see them making progress on this already. I'm sure it will mature over time.

Saves me a phone call every month now, at least. I couldn't be bothered with setting up auto pay via sending in a canceled check, etc. I'll wait for them to add that to this new portal.
Lol at 1868! 😂😂
For those of us who set up Lucid Financial Services accounts early on, you may be pleased to know Lucid has finally created a proper online portal for making payments. Still can't set up auto pay yet (that's coming, I'm told) but you can at least do one-time monthly payments now without calling or sending in a paper check, like it's 1868.

Lucid Financial Services Portal

You have to create a new login and link your account number to it, but once that's set up, you can add your bank account ACH info and save it for future payments.

Nice to see them making progress on this already. I'm sure it will mature over time.

Saves me a phone call every month now, at least. I couldn't be bothered with setting up auto pay via sending in a canceled check, etc. I'll wait for them to add that to this new portal.
Thanks for the info! Making a phone payment takes forever. The automated system speaks slowly and repeats everything multiple times.

Can’t wait until can set up auto pay online.
Just noticed today they've now officially added autopay to the LFS portal.

We've officially entered the 21st century. Well done, Lucid Financial Services team!
Has the portal been down for everyone the last few days? Site won't load... did it move somewhere and I forgot?
Has the portal been down for everyone the last few days? Site won't load... did it move somewhere and I forgot?
I used it on Monday to make my payment with no issues. I haven't logged in since then tho.
Just tried it. Not working for me. Looks like the server is down.
Weird. So they changed their web address and didn't bother telling anyone? Great idea.
I probably had the site at one point and forgot.. but the (old) site and this thread are the top results on google for lucid financial services portal - so hopefully the next poor soul gets redirected to the right spot..
I've updated the link in my original post, just in case someone stumbles upon it in the future and wonders why it's not working.
I received a mailed notice about the change sometime last month or so ago informing of the sunset of the existing portal and the new URL. Not sure why it was only mailed but I received it around the same time as my statement.
I received a mailed notice about the change sometime last month or so ago informing of the sunset of the existing portal and the new URL. Not sure why it was only mailed but I received it around the same time as my statement.
Interesting. I went paperless, as I do for everything. You'd think they'd email us, though.

Also, there is a little thing called a redirect. Takes about 30 seconds for one of their web people to set up.
What an easy to remember url! 😵‍💫

Thank goodness its a one-time bookmark. It's been fun being a newer Lucid owner and seeing what things did not exist before I started using them 😆
What an easy to remember url! 😵‍💫

Thank goodness it’s a one-time bookmark. It's been fun being a newer Lucid owner and seeing what things did not exist before I started using them 😆
lfs.credit is available and is $3.98. Someone just buy it and make your own redirect lol

Looking at you @joec
The Lucid Financial website is not working for me... I have tried to make lease payment for past three days. I have called them each day too.... LFS is a Bank of America servicing arrangement for Lucid, so hard to believe they cannot figure this out.. Just odd.
The Lucid Financial website is not working for me... I have tried to make lease payment for past three days. I have called them each day too.... LFS is a Bank of America servicing arrangement for Lucid, so hard to believe they cannot figure this out.. Just odd.
Not sure if you read above? They changed the URL of the web site. The link in the first post on this thread is the new (updated) one. Try that.
Been there, done that.. I am on correct site at that URL, but will not accept payment... Spoke to Lucid Financial rep named Joe every day who says "maybe it will be fixed by tomorrow". Yesterday was escalated to a supervisor who told me to try again today.... It looks like it might accept auto pay but not one-time pay... Just odd.