Accelerator Pedal stiffness


Jul 17, 2022
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Do you guys feel that the accelerator pedal is quite stiff compared to other cars? I have driven plenty of different cars, but it feels like you really have to step on it to barely get the vehicle moving. It's almost for the heavy footers.

Would it be possible to get Lucid to program the sensitivity of the accelerator, I would prefer a more touchy accelerator pedal response, personally.
I've never heard of any manufacturer letting customers tune the physical accelerator pedal feel. That would be a first.

I'm guessing what you're feeling is the calibration they've chosen because of the regen.

It's actually only slightly firmer than my 911.

Actually, as I type this I remember a youtube video where the person driving makes a comment about how the Lucid artificially dampens the accelerator input to make it more "luxurious". Maybe that's what you're feeling.

I think swift and sprint mode might help a little?
I've never heard of any manufacturer letting customers tune the physical accelerator pedal feel. That would be a first.

I'm guessing what you're feeling is the calibration they've chosen because of the regen.

It's actually only slightly firmer than my 911.

Actually, as I type this I remember a youtube video where the person driving makes a comment about how the Lucid artificially dampens the accelerator input to make it more "luxurious". Maybe that's what you're feeling.

I think swift and sprint mode might help a little?
Yea, smooth is definitely artificially muted in response. Swift and Sprint are the way to go if you want more twitchiness
Do you guys feel that the accelerator pedal is quite stiff compared to other cars? I have driven plenty of different cars, but it feels like you really have to step on it to barely get the vehicle moving. It's almost for the heavy footers.

Would it be possible to get Lucid to program the sensitivity of the accelerator, I would prefer a more touchy accelerator pedal response, personally.
I agree that it’s stiff. But got used to it pretty quickly. With the regen braking, I actually like the stiff feel personally.
Do you guys feel that the accelerator pedal is quite stiff compared to other cars? I have driven plenty of different cars, but it feels like you really have to step on it to barely get the vehicle moving. It's almost for the heavy footers.

Would it be possible to get Lucid to program the sensitivity of the accelerator, I would prefer a more touchy accelerator pedal response, personally.
I agree, it is more stiff then I’m used to
Agreed it's on the stiff side. It's a little more difficult to modulate for smooth slow city driving than our other EVs have been.
I use it with max regen and got used to it quickly. The first few times it was a much quicker stop because I was releasing the accelerator pedal too soon. Now I can get the car to stop very gradually with full regen. Perhaps that was because I had years of experience in driving an electric golf cart with 1 pedal :D
I’m happy with the feel. If they made it soft like an ICE car, it would no longer support my right foot as much and that would get tiring.
I’m happy with the feel. If they made it soft like an ICE car, it would no longer support my right foot as much and that would get tiring.
I don't think it even has to do with ICE car or EV car. Other EVs like BMW iX and Teslas all have a much softer throttle response. You touch the pedal and it takes off instead of having to press the pedal at least 15-20% before you notice the car is starting to move along.

Also, not sure I follow the second point either because pressing the stiffer pedal harder is probably more tiring for me. I certainly hope that we are not using a pedal to rest our foots ;)
I've never heard of any manufacturer letting customers tune the physical accelerator pedal feel. That would be a first.

I'm guessing what you're feeling is the calibration they've chosen because of the regen.

It's actually only slightly firmer than my 911.

Actually, as I type this I remember a youtube video where the person driving makes a comment about how the Lucid artificially dampens the accelerator input to make it more "luxurious". Maybe that's what you're feeling.

I think swift and sprint mode might help a little?
I would think on software oriented cars like this anything should be tunable or programmable. It's not really a mechanical hurdle that we are trying overcome like in ICE cars. I would think the programming would be quite simple - If throttle response <= 15%, then motor power = X, If throttle response <= 30%, then power = X.

I have tried with different regen settings also and it doesn't seem to make much difference for the accelerator pedal. Braking and slowing of the car, yes, definitely. But very subtle difference in accelerator pedal stiffness.

I have also tried the Swift and Sprint mode and it's slightly better, but not nearly as soft as some of the other ICE and EV cars.

Seems like most have agreed that the pedal is definitely stiffer on the Lucid compared to most cars. Not sure what Lucid's thought process was or what they were trying to simulate. I would honestly wish that MFRs would allow a level of customization to the customers liking.
I don't think it even has to do with ICE car or EV car. Other EVs like BMW iX and Teslas all have a much softer throttle response. You touch the pedal and it takes off instead of having to press the pedal at least 15-20% before you notice the car is starting to move along.

Also, not sure I follow the second point either because pressing the stiffer pedal harder is probably more tiring for me. I certainly hope that we are not using a pedal to rest our foots ;)
Fair. If you switch to Swift or Sprint does it improve?

I keep my foot on the accelerator only because of one pedal driving and the high regeneration setting. Not really as a foot rest :) I like how it acts as a counterweight.
Do you guys feel that the accelerator pedal is quite stiff compared to other cars? I have driven plenty of different cars, but it feels like you really have to step on it to barely get the vehicle moving. It's almost for the heavy footers.

Would it be possible to get Lucid to program the sensitivity of the accelerator, I would prefer a more touchy accelerator pedal response, personally.
Do you guys feel that the accelerator pedal is quite stiff compared to other cars? I have driven plenty of different cars, but it feels like you really have to step on it to barely get the vehicle moving. It's almost for the heavy footers.

Would it be possible to get Lucid to program the sensitivity of the accelerator, I would prefer a more touchy accelerator pedal response, personally.
This is why it is so important to take a sufficient test drive before purchasing any car. Every car has its own driving dynamics... shall we call them "quirks and features." I would say chances are seriously low that Lucid will focus on reprogramming the Excelerator when they have many other priorities to address.
It was definitely stiff at first, but after 500 miles, I must be getting used to it. Swift mode helps, I'll probably stay with mostly smooth during winter
This is why it is so important to take a sufficient test drive before purchasing any car. Every car has its own driving dynamics... shall we call them "quirks and features." I would say chances are seriously low that Lucid will focus on reprogramming the Excelerator when they have many other priorities to address.
Definitely test drove the car, but they only let you test drive for 15 mins and its very hard to gauge everything about the car in the limited allotted time. And 15 minutes is not nearly enough, especially when they spend 5 minutes just talking about the infotainment system out of your 15 minutes.

Not to mention, the Lucid Studio people are very uneducated on the product they are selling. I was talking about horsepower differences with one of the folks there and he was trying to educate me how the wheel size impacts the horsepower. That's how you know the sales guy is in the wrong industry!! 😅

Some of the quirks are realized after ownership of the car and some even way after few years into your ownership experience!
Fair. If you switch to Swift or Sprint does it improve?

I keep my foot on the accelerator only because of one pedal driving and the high regeneration setting. Not really as a foot rest :) I like how it acts as a counterweight.

Slightly better in other modes but still a bit stiff. And it does compromise the range also unfortunately. Probably will just take some time to get used to.
Definitely test drove the car, but they only let you test drive for 15 mins and its very hard to gauge everything about the car in the limited allotted time. And 15 minutes is not nearly enough, especially when they spend 5 minutes just talking about the infotainment system out of your 15 minutes.

Not to mention, the Lucid Studio people are very uneducated on the product they are selling. I was talking about horsepower differences with one of the folks there and he was trying to educate me how the wheel size impacts the horsepower. That's how you know the sales guy is in the wrong industry!! 😅

Some of the quirks are realized after ownership of the car and some even way after few years into your ownership experience!
That’s a shame that your test drive was essentially useless. I’m always surprised at the variation between locations. When I was vacillating between 19s and 21s, my SA arranged for an hour test drive in each of the two. It was huge in my decision-making process.
So Bobby tell us what wheel size you went with? I'm thinking of buying a set of 21" just because they look so cool (not for driving on though ... I live in PA)

I hadn't noticed the pedal pressure at all ??? Also, I have never been out of "Smooth" mode. I don't know why anyone would imagine they need more...I'm already scared in Smooth mode. I have not "floored" it...or even close. I do not see the need. The car is so quick I don't have time to enjoy the acceleration. But now you people have ruined it for me...I know I'm going to be "trying to feel if it's too much".
Please do not direct my attention to such trivia. I'm still trying to learn the sequence of presses to open the funk that doesn't set off the alarm.

RE: Don't we think that in a couple of years we will be able to plug our laptops into the cars and change settings? I mean, I did this on a 2006 Volvo ... how hard can it be ? ( the Horror .... the Horror ... ). There must be Lucid software engineers driving around in their Lucids with "not factory issue" programing. I mean, that's the first thing I would do ... I like to know how things work.
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