Support EV Expansion in Virginia – HB2468


Verified Owner
Oct 4, 2022
Reaction score
Lucid GT, Rivian R1S
I just received an email from Tesla (I own a model x) telling me to support this bill. They say:

This bill could be heard in a House Transportation Subcommittee as early as next Tuesday, and the Virginia Automobile Dealers Association (VADA) is actively working to kill it. The bill simply allows a manufacturer like Tesla that has already gone through an administrative hearing for a sales location to open subsequent locations without requiring additional administrative hearings, which are expensive and time-consuming affairs for companies and the state. Tesla has gone through this process multiple times, and the DMV has repeatedly found it is in the public interest for Tesla to own and operate its own dealerships.

Does anyone know if this would help Lucid as well? I don't want to support a bill that helps only Tesla.
I just received an email from Tesla (I own a model x) telling me to support this bill. They say:

Does anyone know if this would help Lucid as well? I don't want to support a bill that helps only Tesla.
You should support it whether you like Tesla(Elon) or not.

This will help Lucid in the long run.

If Tesla is allowed to open locations without requiring additional hearings, then they would have to treat Lucid the same.