Lucid customer service experiences

Is it the batteries or the fobs? Can you use the mobile key in the meantime? Can they ship the tire to a local installer?
Yeah, batteries don't last long.
Lucky to those around Philly area. Having wonderful experiences with Mobile Service. Have had two issues: first was a dead video module (replaced in my garage), second was a loose ground wire on one of the 12v (I wonder if these two are related??) (diagnosed by a blip voltage spike when logs analyzed) that was repaired with a twist on the nut. Each time I got to watch a pro take the car apart ( " that's how you get that thing off...oh...lookie what's behind that panel !"). We'll be getting our own service center in a year or so, but in the meantime: watching your mechanic "work on your car" with a laptop... call me George Jetson !

I love this car. I love this company.

happy Solstice everyone !
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Mine has been pretty choppy maybe because I am in Atlanta, I had some issues at delivery and then some popping up here and there. Issues were not a problem but I think they are still getting a handle of communication. My car was towed to the service center a few weeks ago. Tow guy was really a pleasure since I wasn't present when he came and waited for the car. After that no communication at all. I called in after 2 weeks to check and they said I should have received a call but nothing. Then I called in again today and received a call back in the evening and was going over all the issues that I told them about and they were missing quite a few to which they told me the order was generated when I first called in service as every call is a separate service request. I told them that I took you all almost 2 months and a few phone calls to send someone in and I kept updating on new issues that were being faced. I am supposed to receive an email re: what issues they worked on and they are currently waiting on parts.

I am not a picky guy when it comes to this stuff and also not going to criticize a new company as they are expanding rapidly with their service and should be getting better
Recommendations -
1. Assigned reps for areas/ customers - if they have specific reps handling a specific area and they can be reached by separate telephone number. I don't want to talk to a new rep everytime I call since I have to repeat almost everything and then they need to check with whoever has worked on the car and get back. With other companies they can check whatsup with your car over that very phone call

2. More communication during the process. BMW dealership in my area has a webapp where the technician uploads all the work being performed, recommended work with video / photo of work needed or performed and you get a link via text to your phone that you can check on
My communication during the process has been nada from their side. If someone's car has been sitting in repairs for 3 weeks have the courtesy to update them via email or text once a week and let them know eta on the car. They don't have an ETA on the car or what part they are waiting on

Communication is key when it comes to customer service. Communication has been rough to the point if Lucid calls and I am in the middle of a phone call I have to put them on hold since I don't even know if I can get a hold of them on calling back or they can reach me via text. I have phone calls almost back to back all day and my phone would be free for maybe max 15 min between 11am and 5pm which makes it kind of uncomfortable for me.
They need to work on communication via email, text and phone call. And since there is a lucid app already, I would love to have them integrate a chat feature in there with the service tech
Picked up my car on Friday. On Saturday started to have intermittent “right front radar failure - call customer support”. Arrived back home after the holiday and called customer support at Costa Mesa. After discussing what to do, will made an appointment to send his San Diego rep Frank to trouble shoot and hopefully correct. Frank arrived on time and proceeded to spend the next hour tracking the error codes. He finally thought there must be some connection issue causing the problem. He started opening up the front wheel well to get to where he could see and feel the radar which did not appear to be firmly attached. Frank then continued to dismantle some of the fascia inside the frunk to gain better access to the radar. He finally took the radar out and reattached it properly. He did some error checking, reassembled the front of the car, and we took a short test drive (five minutes above 30mph) as the service manual stipulates. All checked out and after about 4 hours of dedicated and professional work, Frank had fixed my car and saved a trip back to Costa Mesa. My first service call was impressive and successful due to Frank’s effort. I am totally satisfied and encouraged. Thanks, Frank (and Will at Costa Mesa)!


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Both Frank and Will have been great for me! Frank has been out a few times. Enough that he now knows my dog and even brings a few “cheese-it’s“ for her when he comes. He has done great work. No offense to Frank, but I hope to never have to see him again except for a San Diego meet-up, or perhaps just to replace the cabin air filters.
Both Frank and Will have been great for me! Frank has been out a few times. Enough that he now knows my dog and even brings a few “cheese-it’s“ for her when he comes. He has done great work. No offense to Frank, but I hope to never have to see him again except for a San Diego meet-up, or perhaps just to replace the cabin air filters.
He said he is coming on the 8th……
For anyone who has used Customer Care for repairs, how long did it take to get a response from them and schedule a service appointment? I texted CC to let them know of some fit and finish issues and they asked me to email in pictures, which I did last night. They said someone would be in touch with scheduling. Just wanted to know how long that typically would take.
For me it’s been pretty quick, a few minutes. Today is a holiday so perhaps there’s a bigger delay.
For anyone who has used Customer Care for repairs, how long did it take to get a response from them and schedule a service appointment? I texted CC to let them know of some fit and finish issues and they asked me to email in pictures, which I did last night. They said someone would be in touch with scheduling. Just wanted to know how long that typically would take.
I did phone call and its 10 days and counting. Also, havent received any ticket confirmation.
Customer Care normally replies within 20 minutes at the most, although there was one weekend I never heard back from them.

For Service, it's entirely dependent upon your location. I'm in Pennsylvania and I'm still waiting to hear from Service from 4 times I contacted Customer Care in November. You're presumably in NJ but I'm not sure if you're in the same problematic service area as I am, or if you're under NY, which I think is handling Service better right now.
For anyone who has used Customer Care for repairs, how long did it take to get a response from them and schedule a service appointment? I texted CC to let them know of some fit and finish issues and they asked me to email in pictures, which I did last night. They said someone would be in touch with scheduling. Just wanted to know how long that typically would take.
I would think they are likely going to be backed up with fit and finish issues in the near future, given the number of deliveries they just pushed. So there's that. But hopefully they will respond and get you into the service queue quickly, at least.
I did phone call and its 10 days and counting. Also, havent received any ticket confirmation.
I’ve had better luck with texting. Same number.
For anyone who has used Customer Care for repairs, how long did it take to get a response from them and schedule a service appointment? I texted CC to let them know of some fit and finish issues and they asked me to email in pictures, which I did last night. They said someone would be in touch with scheduling. Just wanted to know how long that typically would take.
I’ve had multiple service visits in NJ. Average time to hear from service advisor is 2-7 days . I believe John is still managing the area and if you don’t hear from him, DM me and I can give you his cell. Service visit appointment can take weeks depending on how busy they are and need for parts. Overall the service has gotten much better as compared to months ago.
For anyone who has used Customer Care for repairs, how long did it take to get a response from them and schedule a service appointment? I texted CC to let them know of some fit and finish issues and they asked me to email in pictures, which I did last night. They said someone would be in touch with scheduling. Just wanted to know how long that typically would take.

Scheduling was a breeze for me. I was able to get in same day for a potentially serious issue, which required scheduling a follow up for the next week due to the holidays.

Unfortunately my car I've had for a month will be out 2+ weeks as they try and get parts. Customer service can only cover for their build/supply issues so much.
Problem is that San Diego doesn’t have a service center and yet the amount of cars here is growing very, very fast. Frank is just one guy and he needs a building and help soon.