Touring vs. Tesla Model X features compared?


Dec 26, 2021
Reaction score
Saint Augustine, FL
Grand Touring
I can't find anywhere whether Touring compared to Tesla Model X has heated seats & steering wheel, comparable sound system, auto-park, & driver automatic door opening. Does anyone know? Or where I can get detail?
Latest info I got from Lucid is it will have heated seats and steering wheel, probably ventilated but not massage. No info on base sound system and no info on pricing for surreal sound (option pricing may not be disclosed until Q2 and they may come out with other options like massage). Haven't gotten any definition on what is included in dream drive vs pro. No automatic door opening...yet.

I think a lot depends on what associate you speak to, how much they know, how much corporate has released to them, and how much they divulge. For example, posters have written that an associate told them a roof rack/box would be offered, another states an associate said no roof rack/box, Lucid then posts a picture of an Air with a roof rack/box. To get details, you can take your chances by calling/emailing sales, reservations, or a studio. But it seems like you have to go to VP or Senior Director level to get the straight scoop and they can be coy about revealing details but they seem to know what is going on.

Getting the first year a model is available means you don't get everything. There is an upgrade path Lucid has apparently planned. So in 2023 or 24, Lucid will have some standard equipment and options that aren't available today.
Tx for response. You're the best. I guess the only two must-haves for me are the heateds. I can live without auto for opening. I'm lazy, but not that lazy.