Surreal sound pro recommendations needed


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Aug 12, 2022
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Buffalo, NY
Lucid Air Touring
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Evening all. I know many of you use Tidal for music due to the Atmos option. I don't have Tidal and am looking for alternative ways to experience all that SSP has to offer. Does anyone have any other suggestions on how to listen to Atmos music to enjoy SSP?

Thanks in advance!
Evening all. I know many of you use Tidal for music due to the Atmos option. I don't have Tidal and am looking for alternative ways to experience all that SSP has to offer. Does anyone have any other suggestions on how to listen to Atmos music to enjoy SSP?

Thanks in advance!
I am sure others will chime in, and I don’t have SSpro. However, I have seen in these forums that USB sticks are an option. Try searching for those discussions; I am sure you will get hits.
I am sure others will chime in and I don’t have SSpro. However, I have read in these forums that USB sticks are an option. Try searching for those discussions and I am sure you will get hits.
I think I read that too. But I'm not exactly an audiophile so I don't know where to get the Atmos tracks to put on the USB drive. Do you have any idea?
I think I read that too. But I'm not exactly an audiophile so I don't know where to get the Atmos tracks to put on the USB drive. Do you have any idea?
Here is an example. Looks like folks are using flac files and possibly other formats supported as well.

I have played back uncompressed WAV files to great effect over USB :)

I haven't tried other formats but I hear that FLAC works great.
There are ways to get Atmos m4a files to put on USB drives. Not sure if any of them involve actually purchasing anything though.
FLACs are fantastic. Uncompressed WAVs are great too.

For Atmos, you’d have to buy an Atmos album and put the m4a tracks on the USB. There are various websites for this, some linked from previous threads.
Apologies for redirecting the question, but I think you’ve had excellent answers already. I’m curious…why not try Tidal? Isn’t the first month free? At $25 per Atmos album download, the Tidal subscription is about the same for a year as 8 albums and you can stream a huge catalogue of music on your phone/computer as well as in the car. The better mastered HD tracks are as impressive as anything mastered for Atmos and there are thousands of listening miles of them available in Tidal.
Here’s a really well-mastered example available on Tidal (and not one you’re likely to accidentally stumble across, maybe):
If you want some great sounding music subscribe to Qobuz Sublime and buy your favorite music in hi-res. Then load it to a USB drive and enjoy the best fidelity I’ve experienced in the Lucid.
Does anyone have any other suggestions on how to listen to Atmos music to enjoy SSP?

Here's what I do when I need a listening session (recovering audiophile).

Wait 'til about 2 or 3 AM.
Go out to the closed garage, enter your Lucid, set climate control if needed, set Tidal Atmos tracks / albums.
Get in center back seat.
Tip balls.

I haven't tried music-on-a-stick = sounds like extra steps. Tidal Atmos is so good I don't even care what artist / genera is performing.