I did a cross country trip. California to DC. The car added those 5-10 min stops frequently. It was conservative. 15% was my best guess at lower threshold. So, I think the 5 min stop was to get us to a longer destination over the 15% bottom end.I planned a long test route and the map is adding a charge stop when it looks like it can do the entire distance without (at least that's my guess based on real world range). Is it adding the stop because it estimates conservatively using real range that I can't see, or is it assuming a desired destination soc that's higher than needed which in turn is causing it to add a stop? Basically I can't tell why it's adding an 8 min charge even though it doesn't seem strictly necessary? Also I have the EA only toggle on in search but the added stop isn't EA .. I can manually add an EA stop (free to use) but how did it pick that brand .. best combo of fast charge, availability and SOC for optimal charge curve?? Can I force EA only in the auto added stops? TIA!
On our trip, I fiddled with adding and removing stops. Like sometimes 3 stops got us to a further destination quicker because it was ~20 mins each instead of 60 mins and a 10 min “quick” one.
The problem with the “just making it” approach is who knows if that charger is full, down or non existent. Somewhere in PA, the car was routing us to an EA that had just closed for upgrades the day before. Thankfully, a few miles off the turnpike there was an EVGo. That’s why I think the car is conservative at that 15% or so when using the navigation.